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i shouldn't have played no games with you
just leveled up my rank

claudia i really want him back why won't you let me go back

because g he broke your heart, he's a fuckboy, he cheated on you, if he cheated then that means he didn't care from the start

but claudia he really misses me and he said he wants me back more than anything in the world and ughhh claudia i miss him, i don't even care that he cheated, he was such a good boyfriend, from the gifts, to the kisses, to the sex, the sex, that was the best part

alright then go back and when you get your heart broken again don't come crying to me because all i'll have to say is i told you so

then she walked out of my apartment

i sat on the couch and texted grayson and said he can take me out and try to get me back

he definitely is but this whole game is fun
i like messing with him

claudia really don't want me back with him and i don't know why

we had a whole plan
us, best friends, marry two hot twins

anyway i texted gray and said he can take me out

he agreed and said he'd be here at 7 to pick me up and he said to dress nice

it was 5 so i decided to get ready

i got in the shower and shaved and did what i had to do

i was listening to music

i sang along i the words

don't, don't play with her don't be dishonest, aye still not understanding this logic, i'm back and i'm better, i want you bad as ever, don't let me just let up, i wanna give you better, baby it's whatever

bryson tiller is my life
me and grayson love him

then the memories came back

[i walked up to ethan an grayson's apartment and i walked in since gray didn't care, i was surprising him with dinner,
i walked in and i heard squeaks,
i found where it was coming from, it was coming from grayson's room, so i opened the door, and guess what i saw, i saw grayson fucking some girl and that some girl was one of my best friends izzy
"are you fucking kidding me" i said and grayson's head shot over and he got up and put pants on
"fuck gracie, umm it's not what it looks like" they said at the same time
"you know what grayson here's your food" i threw the chinese noodles and rice at him and said "fuck you izzy i thought you were my friend" and ran out of that apartment and to my car]

i sat there crying as the warm water ran down my body

i calmed down and then i got out

i got out and i put on white lace matching panties and bra on then a white dress with silver sandals

i put mouse in my hair to curl it up more i took the blow drier to my hair and i scrunched it so it would curl

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