Waking up

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Derek : "wake up! wake up! WAKE UPPPP! Derek please!!" you heard a groan . "But y/n it's 12:00 pm. that's why I'm waking you up! Fine I'm up. I'm up. yay finally ! "Your so lucky I love you." he said.

Scott : Scott is ALWAYS awake before you. You never know how but that's just the way it is. it's literally the struggle waking you up. Mama McCall has to help.

Isaac : It's a sunny morning in beacon hills. laying in bed with the love of your life .. hoping to never lose him EVER. He sleeps so peacefully and you never want to wake him up. even when your bored.

Stiles : He's the early bird in the relationship. It never fails for him to be the first one up. when your try to get up it's like you hibernate forever . Scott and stiles have to pull you out if bed. you always sticking your claws in the wall the get a grip.

Peter : nope you guys are never up. it's like you guys can sleep all day long . idek how you guys do it. Derek and Cora has to jump on the bed.

Aiden : You love waking up early maybe at 8:00 am. Aiden on the other hand is not a happy camper . He hates when you leave his side because he thinks you've left him for good. You always assure him never in a million years will you leave him.

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