6- Lonely Christmas by Scotty Sire & Heath Hussar

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(A lot of Italian. Used translate so I'm apologizing before hand because that's the only source I have to write it)

Two months later...

It was that time a year the busiest, hardest time of the year. The store was jam pack with happy shoppers trying to get gifts for all their family and friends that they swear up and down that they hate but can't wait to drop four grand on a sweater for. I stayed at the counter watching the employees bustle about doing what they do best as I get the confirmation text about my flight tomorrow tonight. It was going to be a little weird without Jared since I was so used to him being with me for the last two months but I couldn't not see my father on Christmas and I didn't want him to leave his family to come with me. So I was flying solo and coming back before his birthday, hopefully, at which time we would exchange gifts.
I didn't really want to leave him because as tacky as it sounds this would be my first ever Christmas with a boyfriend, but that would be a red flag for my father. The one year I was close to Christmas with a boyfriend but the second we started talking about me going to Italy all hell broke loose and that ended that. I wasn't ready to tell my dad yet because of how much older Jared is and how my dad has known him for so long he should be more like my uncle then my boyfriend, but I was thinking of maybe telling him when I head to Italy.
The clock on the wall read nine before I knew it signaling the end of the day, well for the others. I wouldn't be home for another couple of hours. I move through the nightly ritual with Nick, who's the manager, and after that I send him home and catch up on some paperwork when my phone vibrates.
"Where are you kitten?"
"Paperwork won't be in tonight."
"You're staying in Santa Monica again tonight?"
"Been crazy busy."
"Okay. Love you."
"Love you too."
It was a simple conversation but it was all I needed to brighten my day. I miss being near him and I'd be leaving right from here for the airport tomorrow night. It's going to be a huge pain in the ass but I hope we can make it through this. It was only the nineteenth but I like to spend as much time in Italy as I could especially if I had to come back the twenty-sixth. Usually, when I see my father for the holidays I'd spend two weeks but I'm going to use the excuse of the new store being so busy to get him off my back. I'm praying that it'll work but I highly doubt that it will. I close the inventory book before heading out of the store, locking it up behind me when I slam face first into solid muscle.
"Jesus, sorry."
"You better be." I look up at the sound of his voice, my heart skipping a few beats.
"Jay." I flash him a smile as he tucks my hair behind my ear making me glance around. "Jay." I pull away from him, my tone hardening. "We're in public."
"So then let's not be." He mutters opening the door to his jeep.
"I leave tomorrow."
"I know why else would I be all the way out here in Santa Monica?"
"Because you missed me."
"Not even in your wildest dreams." He grins leaning against the open car door, watching me intently.
"Should've known." I tease getting in the open passenger side door. He takes me to his house, opening the door before his lips meet mine, the door being kicked closed behind him.
"Let's make up for lost time." He murmurs against my lips as he lifts me off the floor making me squeal happily, one arm around his neck, the other on his cheek as I toss my head back laughing. "God I love that sound." His lips skim my neck as he talks, carrying me up the stairs to his room where he drops me on the bed, peeling off his shirt before he crawls up my body, his lips kissing over my hot skin.

The next morning I don't bother going back to the store, instead I sit in bed, watching Jared as his long black lashes flutter against his cheeks as he sleeps peacefully. The late morning light poured in through the curtains, but he didn't seem to mind, still exhausted from last night, his cheeks flushed from sleep, his strong arm tucked under his pillow cradling his head, his overgrown beard and hair splayed out over the pillow messily. He reminded me a lot of my father, too much to be comfortable with honestly. Sighing I get out of bed and redress myself, before going downstairs to make us some breakfast and eventually Jay rolls out of bed.
"Good morning handsome." I flash him a smile before putting his breakfast in front of him.
"Morning kitten." He grumbles before digging into his breakfast. We spend the rest of the day vegetating before I have to catch my flight. I kiss him goodbye at the door before meeting my driver in the driveway. "Bye kitten! Have a safe flight!" He calls waving as I slide into the car.
Italy in the winter was just what I needed Florence especially. Florence was basically the only place that got some kind of snow, mostly just a light dusting of snow, but it was enough to make my heart melt. The white flurries brush over my cheeks, kissing the outer edge of my lips as it flutters to the ground, touching my lashes, sticking to my hair. I can't suppress the grin as I look up at the dark, heavy clouds. My heels click against the cobblestones of the Florence streets the rhythm of my slow paced steps echoed throughout the merry streets. My Gucci embroidered trench coat undone, exposing the Louis Vuitton black knitted lace sleeve dress I do a three sixty letting the snow shower down over me.
"Fia." Giorgio calls out to me, my camera aimed directly at me. Smiling I stop mid spin posing for him, my coat flared behind me. "Quello era buono." (That was good) Giorgio was my driver, who loved taking paparazzi-style pictures of me.
"Grazie." I flash him another smile before continuing down the streets, admiring the Christmas lights and decorated trees, the people walking past with designer bags and candy filled arms. Christmas was a happy time, no matter the place, at least it was for most people. Giorgio and I continue toward my father's house, watching people move merrily some stopping off to greet me others ignore my existence, but I couldn't care less. It was a short walk to where my father lives, his quaint little house I knew like the back of my hand, I don't bother knocking, using my key to let myself into his house. "Padre." I call out and he comes from the kitchen, grinning.
"Mio caro." (My darling) The next few days pass quickly and before I know it, it's Christmas. Clutching my cup of coffee in my hand I watch him unwrap his presents, not only from myself but from Jared as well. "Grazie bella."
"Che ne dici di andare a vederlo per il suo compleanno?" (How about we go see him for his birthday?)
"Chi?" (Who)
"Adesso." (Now)
"Beh dovremmo partire presto per essere lì in orario." (Well we should leave early to be there on time)
"Tutto ok." (All right) I say awkwardly.
"Ok, dai." (Okay come on) He stands up ushering me to come with him. "Cosa dovremmo dargli in regalo?" (What should we give him as a gift?)
"Cosa hai preso per Natale?" (What did you get him for Christmas?)
"Mast Cioccolato." (Mast chocolate)
"Perfetto. Dagli un po 'di Gucci, allora." (Perfect. Just get him some Gucci then)
"Perfetto." I stand up and the two of us head out for the airport. I didn't fight that he wanted to come with me back to LA because I'd love to see Jared, but it all seemed a little too easy. We breeze through security and sit in the terminal for our flight when he gets up to get us something to eat so we don't have to eat airplane food. I'm just drifting off when he drops something in my lap startling me.
"Cos'è questo." (What is this?)
"È vero?" (It's true?) I look down at the magazine.
"Fia Michele e Jared Leto una storia d'amore chiusa." (Fia Michele and Jared Leto a closed love story.) It was pictures of Jared and I from the night before I left and the morning of my departure, touching and gazing at one another proving that we were careful enough.
"Padre posso spiegare." (Father I can explain.)
"Non c'è niente da spiegare Fia. Quanto tempo è successo." (There is nothing to explain Fia. How long has it been happening?)
"Circa due mesi." (About two months.)
"Fia." He growls stepping away from me.
"Padre I-"
"No Fia." He stops me before the lady comes over the speaker telling us it's time to board.
"Padre." I call again, but he ignores me grabbing his things before lining up to board the plane. And that was the end of our happy closeted romance.

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