14- You're Such a by Hailee Steinfeld

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The next morning I wake up sprawled out on plush carpeted floor of the baby's bedroom. Grunting I sit up looking at Christopher who's wide awake and playing with his toes.
"Good morning my handsome little boy." I say softly kissing him when I lift him up. "How about we get in the shower together yeah?" He laughs laying his head on my shoulder. I undress before doing the same to him, grabbing his rubber booster and duck I set him on the far side of the shower before washing my hair. Once I'm nearly finished I lift him up making him clutch the duck tighter I gently ease him into the stream of the shower making him gasp gently before screeching happily clapping his hands in the steady droplets of water. Just watching him was enough to make me want to go back to Jay, or rather let him back in the house. He looked so much like Jay it made me kind of mad, I want him to look like me, I'm his mom, I'm the one that made him, carried him, sacrificed my body for him and he didn't have the decency to look like me. Laughing softly I bounce him slightly making him laugh again. I'd give everything for him.
We get out and dry off before laying him in the middle of the bed and blow drying my hair, teasing him with it. He was the best baby I could ever ask for honestly. I get dressed and head down to make breakfast keeping him occupied with some puffs as I cook. Chris laughs as he shoves puffs in his mouth making me chuckle to myself but when I turn back Jays standing behind him, changing me entire mood. The light happy feeling I felt after showering with my baby leaves me all at once.
"Fia." He says softly. He looked like absolute hell, like he hadn't slept in days, his hair was a mess and his clothes were all over the place. My heart wrenches at the sight of him but I still can't shake the image of him and that woman.
"You can grab whatever you need." I say shortly before sitting in front of Christopher feeding him, but he makes no effort to go upstairs instead he sits beside me in the chair.
"I need you Fia. I swear it was a mistake and I'll never do it again."
"Until the next girl comes around."
"No fia, never. It was one time and I wouldn't put you through that again. That's why I didn't tell you in the first place."
"Oh yeah because it's so much better coming from someone else."
"Fia please."
"Please what Jay? How many times are you going to fuck this up?"
"Please I'm so sorry." He leans forward nuzzling his face in the side of my shirt making me sigh.
"Jay." I grunt trying to pull away from me, but he won't let me go.
"I'm not letting you go Fia, not now not ever."
"Stop, you can't do this to me." I mutter. "You can't just wiggle back in like you did nothing wrong."
"Fia I said I'm sorry."
"Why do you always think that magically fixes everything? I get it you're sorry but I'm not forgiving you, at least not now." I get up pushing him away from me to put everything in the sink.
"Fia I swear it was a one time mistake, please don't do this."
"Don't do what?" I snap. "Don't punish you for doing something bad?!"
"No." I stop him from saying anything else.
"I'm quitting the movie."
"Because it's destroying us, we're never together I never see Chris-"
"Finish the movie." I interrupt. "And while you do stay in a hotel. We'll see where things go after that."
"Are you leaving me Fia?" He asks quietly.
"No, but you're not quitting this movie. We're just putting a pause on this until we have time to fight." I lean back against the sink.
"I don't want to fight at all."
"And I don't want you to cheat on me, but we can't always get what we want can we." I snap half heartedly.
"Right." He says after a while.
"Now go."
"I love you Fia, more than anything else, well other than Christopher."
"Goodbye Jay."
"I'll be back soon baby I promise."

A month later... I wake up to my usual good morning text from Jay, accompanied by a countdown to when they'll be finished: 10 hours.
Sighing I get up and grab the baby, going out grocery shopping, as we walk down the street, his face hidden behind a blanket again, I notice the magazine with me and Chris on the front.
'Fia Michele left all alone to take care of six month old son while Jared Leto plays with his co worker.' I open it to see the pictures I was sent a month ago by that reporter. 'Fia busts ass while taking care of her six month old baby, while her husband of just three months cheats on her with co star Cameron Diaz. Michele's made no comment since finding out about her husband, but it's suspected that she kicked Leto out of the house. While Leto used to go home to his family nightly, no one's seen him since the pictures raised of Diaz and Leto. Michele seems to be doing just fine balancing her life with their five month old son, Christopher Michele Leto, but what's happened to Leto and Michele's relationship?' I set the magazine back in the rack as Chris wakes up, not getting to finish the article. With Jared coming home, I had no time to figure out if I actually wanted him home.
Constance and dad on the other hand were getting married in just eight hours, tonight at Six they'd be Mr and Mrs Michele. The thought alone made me feel sick to my stomach, but I ignore it, finishing up my shopping before going home to get Chris and I ready for tonight. I was the maid of honor so I needed to be there early, I finish up and grab Chris, putting him in the car before getting in myself. I didn't really know how I was going to keep him hidden from the camera's at my father's wedding, but I was going to try like hell, especially right now. It was no time for my son's face to be plastered on every magazine. I help set up and everything else just naturally falls into place, until Jay show's up.
"Fia." He calls out to me, he looked as bad as he did the day he left.
"Jay, why do you look like you just got out of bed?" I hiss at him.
"I was so nervous to come back to you today." He admits, wiping his hands on his pants.
"Jesus, come here." I pull him closer, straightening his tie and tucking in his shirt, before running my hands through his hair, flattening it.
"This is why I love you." He says softly, brushing back my hair. "You're always so calm when I'm a fucking disaster."
"Yeah." I say coldly, trying to ignore the flutter of my heart.
"Please Fia, have you thought about us? I can't walk down there without knowing if my own wife is going to leave me." He cups the side of my face, making me look up from his chest.
"I have thought about it alot." I admit.
"And what was your conclusion?"
"Do you really want to know the answer to that?"
"Of course I do I-"
"Fia, now." The wedding planner comes out holding her clipboard. I silently look up at Jay, watching his mother come from the back room.
"Jay, you made it."
"Of course I did." He says softly, still not looking away from me.
"We're getting started Jay." I say pulling away from him to stand between the open doors. Jay and Shannon are going to walk their mother down together so I had no one to walk with. Everything else goes smoothly and I manage to avoid Jared until it's time to go home.
"Hm?" I turn to look at him over my shoulder once I've got Chris strapped in.
"Am I coming home with you?" He asks shortly.
"Um-" I avert my gaze.
"Fia please don't do this."
"Jay." I sigh out before I look at him.

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