13- Drama by AJR

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"Fia, can you come over with Chris tonight?"
"Sure dad, what's going on?"
"Nothing I just miss my nipote."
"Sure, we'll be right over as soon as he wakes up from his nap."
"I'm sure he's tired I saw you had a busy day." The comment makes me sigh.
"Yeah we did."
"Okay let me know when you're on your way."
"Okay." I hang up finishing my cleaning when I hear him giggling in the living room. I come out to see him lying on his stomach looking at the TV. "Good morning handsome." I lift him out of his pack and play changing him before putting his clothes back on. I carry him out to the car, strapping him into his seat. "Are we gonna go see nonnino?" He laughs again chewing on his hand. I kiss him softly before getting in the driver seat reversing out of the driveway before going to see my father. We stop in front of his LA home with big picture windows and white siding. I unstrap Chris and carrying him up to the house but before we get to the door dads already halfway to us. He whisks Chris from my arms, cradling him close to his chest.
"Mio nipote." He chirps. Carrying him into the house, not bothering to say hello to me.
"I'm the one who bore him and I get no hello."
"Hi bella." He chuckles as we sit at the dining table watching Constance cook.
"So what's up?"
"Nothing we just missed you is all." My father says innocently.
"I know better, if that were the case you'd be at my house so I didn't have to bring the baby all this way."
"Why are you so smart Fia?" He chuckles softly. "Constance and I are getting married." I choke on the bottle of water in front of me.
"What?" I ask between coughs, Chris looking over at me before crying. My father tries to console him before Constance takes him. "You're what?" I ask once I've calmed down, getting out of my chair to take my screaming baby.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, it was very... very a... how do you say..." He looks at Constance for help.
"Sper of the moment." She finishes.
"Yes, Sper of the moment."
"Um." I look between the two of them, lost as to what to say. "I'm happy for you." I say half heartedly, but honestly it's been weird seeing them together since Jay and I got married two months ago. Honestly, it was weird seeing him with anyone but mom. I was five when she left and since he's always been alone, at least I thought he was alone, but apparently him and Constance have been together for ten years and no one knew about it.
"Are you really la mia bellissima figlia."
"Sì." I nod slowly, trying to calm Christopher.
"I hope Jay's as understanding, I'm kind of nervous." Constance replies, wiping her hands on her jeans. I doubt he will be, I'm having a hard time processing this. "You'll stay until Jay comes won't you?"
"Of course."
"You're the only one that can ever calm him. That year the two of you were fighting for was absolute torture."
"Yeah." I say softly looking at Chris, who's calmed down now. What am I going to do if they were right and he is seeing someone else? We've been through hell, you'd think that would make him stay. I mean I know half the things they say is not really, but they're also around twenty four seven, they see things no one else does. I feel the tears burning my eyes, blurring my vision.
"Figlia? What's the matter dolcezza?"
"Nothing, it's just some drama that the paparazzi are trying to spread." I shake my head, wiping away the tears, setting chris on the edge of the table just as my phone goes off, an email coming through from an unknown email, with images attached.
"What do they say mio piccolo amore?"
"Nothing I should believe, but it's hard not to." I say softly, setting my phone down, trying not to react to what I just saw.
"Fia." His hand brushes through my hair gently.
"What's going on Fia?" Constance asks rubbing my back, ignoring whatever she was making.
"Nothing." I deny again, before sighing. "Nothing's going on, maybe that's the issue." I mutter.
"Fia, you can talk to us."
"He's your son." I say shaking my head.
"So, you're my daughter in law."
"And you're going to be my mother. I can't, as much as I want to, I'm married to your son and now you're going to marry my father." I say shaking my head before standing up, noticing Jay, staring at us.
"What?" He asks looking at me before looking at his mom.
"Jay, hun-"
"What's going on?"
"I could ask you the same." My father steps in.
"Dad." I snap.
"What have you been doing to my daughter?"
"What?" He looks at me confused.
"Are you telling them something that you're not telling me?"
"Our parents are getting married." I blurt making my father huff. "You outed me!"
"What? You're getting married?" He glares at the two of them. Chris starts fussing.
"Sh it's okay." I whisper.
"You can't get married, we're married."
"Jay, calm down."
"Calm down, you've been seeing one another behind our backs for how long and now you're going to get married?"
"Don't talk to your mother like that."
"Like what? I'm not yell, or being mean, I'm just stating facts. Okay we're not related by blood but we're still a family, isn't that weird that you're going to get married?"
"We're happy."
"And I'm happy for you."
"Then what's the issue?"
"The issue is, your my mother in law, marrying my father." I say, clearly Jay and I are on the same page here.
"But like you said we're not related by blood."
"Then do what you want." Jay says tensely, like he could care less about them and their problems, looking at them before turning his attention back to me. "Now what's going on with you?"
"Fia, tell me what's going on."
"I said nothing." I snap making Chris fuss more.
"Goddamnit I don't have time to play cat and mouse Fia."
"Who is she?"
"Fuck Jay, the woman you've been seeing."
"I'm not seeing anyone." He raises his voice just enough to set Chris off. "Give me him." He takes the crying baby from my arms attempting to pacify him.
"Goddamnit Jay." I huff, watching him bounce Chris trying to get him to calm down. "I saw them, the pictures of the two of you together. I've seen the interview videos that makes everyone think you're cheating on me. Are you seeing her behind my back?"
"No Fia. I wouldn't."
"Tell me the truth Jay." I breathe. "Are you sleeping with her?"
"No." He growls.
"How can you lie to me like that?!" I snap, the tears spilling down my cheeks. "They sent me the pictures Jay, the pictures of you fucking her in her house!" Chris sobs, real tears streaking his face as he lets out a pained cry. "Give me my baby." I demand.
"No, I'm his father, I can comfort him just as well as you can."
"Clearly you can't!" Chris reaches for me as I step closer, shifting his weight toward me. "How about you do us a favor and go fuck your girlfriend because you're not coming home tonight." I storm out toward the car, with Christopher sniffling on my shoulder, his cheek against my shirt.
"Fia, don't drive like this." My father's the one to come after me.
"I can't stay here, not with you and Constance." Scoffing in disgust I get in the driver seat, reversing from the driveway. The drive home is quiet other than my sniffling. I carry Chris upto his room, laying him down before dropping to the floor, the sobs wracking through my body. I lean back against his crib and let it all out. The images of him and her engraved forever in my mind as he fucked her against the window asking to be caught.

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