Friend zoned (2/2)

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Theme:you like him/he likes you but he/you don't feel the same way (part 2/2)

Before you read, my reads went up by 100 since yesterday. Thanks so very much <3 here's part 2!

Michael: "just let him go." Luke said, holding you back from chasing after a heart-broken Michael. "Luke, I messed up." you sighed, and sat on the ground, up against the wall.

"He will get over it." Luke assured you. "But, I don't- I cant-" you stuttered. As of now you had no idea what to do or say.

"He's probably at the park, down the block," Luke stated, "go find him." Luke said, seeing your distress. "Thank you!" you got up and rushed out of the house and ran down the block.

Once you reached the park, sure enough, Michael was there, sitting on a bench, facing a playground with slides and swings.

"Mikey?" you said, getting his attention.

He sniffled and whipped his eyes and turned to you revealing his pale skin and bloodshot eyes.

"What." he said coldly. You frowned at him and walked closer and sat on the bench next to him.

"Look at me." you said, getting annoyed with him now. he turned his head and right as he did so you crashed your lips into his.

His lips moved with yours, he didn't kiss you back at first but he chimed in after about three seconds. He turned so his full body was facing you and he placed his hands naturally on your hips. You tangled your hands in his hair and he added tongue into the kiss.

As you released from the kiss, gasping for air, he looked at you confused as to why you kissed him.

"I don't want to lose you Mikey." you said, "as a friend, as a boyfriend, nothing." You smiled at him.

"You said-" he started but you cut him off, "I know what I said Michael, but truthfully I was scared. I didn't want to lose you. You're my best friend. I've never been in a promising relationship and you know that. You know that I just don't want to go through heartbreak again..."

"Y/N?" He said after a few minutes. "Hm?" you answered.

"I love you. I'm never gonna let you go."

As you ran out of the coffee shop, you instantly regretted it. You probably just embarrassed yourself and made you look like a total fool in front of everyone.

You stopped running when you got to a small antique shop. You leaned up against the wall and slid down, and hugging your knees to your chest.

"Y/N! I found you!" You looked up with tear filled eyes and saw a blurry calum standing before you.

"Listen, you don't have to talk to me. I know I was a dick, but I want to apologize," he started, sitting down next to you, "I should've payed more attention to you, and probably should stop checking out girls when I'm hanging out with my friends." You cringed at the word 'friends' but let him continue talking, "you're a great girl and any guy would be lucky to have you as his girl, that guy just isn't me. I'm sorry, Y/N. You deserve better then some bass playing in a band that might not always be there for you."

His words made your heart melt. "Thanks calum. You're awesome."

He pecked your cheek, and stood up and holding out his hand to help you up as well.

He embraced to in a friendly hug, maybe he wasn't your boyfriend, but you were happy he was honest with you. He is the best friend ever.

Luke: Once you got home, you crawled in bed and fell asleep, crying.

The next morning there was a knock at your door. you slid on some non-slept-in clothes and jogged downstairs to answer.

You opened it to see your friend standing there, disappointed it wasn't luke, but happy because you needed a friend.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry my brothers a dick." She sighed and embraced you in a hug. "It's alright, I overreacted." You stated, pulling back.

"He's in the car, he was too embarrassed to come to the door, but I think he has something to tell you." She smiled, and let you go out to the car.

You got in the passengers seat and closed the door. You turned to Luke and, without saying any words, he connected your lips together.

They moved together until you processed what was happening and you pulled away, you weren't letting him get off the hook that easily.

"Look, y/n, before you say anything I want to tell you I'm so sorry. I was just taken back last night and I didn't know how y/f/n was going to react and I'm- I'm a dick really." He smiled, embarrassed at you.

"You're adorable." you giggled and reconnected your lips together.

Ashton: you just ran. You wanted to get as far away from Ashton as possible.

There was no way you were going to forgive him. He talked poorly about you, behind your back, to your best friends! that was unforgivable.

You had a bunch of missed calls and unread texts from him, and you chose to ignore all of them.

Finally, getting annoyed, you picked up your phone.

"What." You said coldly. "Y/N! you picked up!" he said happily on the other end.

"Yeah, I know." You scoffed. "Y/n, listen. I didn't mean what I said. The boys were teasing me about liking you and I panicked. I made up a stupid lie, and acted like I didn't like you because I didn't actually think for a second that you felt the same way. Is there any way you could be the best girl ever and forgive me?" he said, almost rushed.

"Ashton... it's ok. It just hurt my feelings. I really like you ash.." you almost whispered into the phone.

"Y/n?" He asked, "yeah?" you replied.

"Come over, I have the sudden urge to kiss you." He giggled and you hung up and drove to Ashton's house as fast as you could.

(Lol these were so bad. Sorry, Luke's and Ashton's were kinda short. Hope you liked them!)

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