He teaches you how to kiss (cake/4)

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This was requested by Charli5sos, she found me on twitter, and she's absolutely the sweetest (jk she swore at me so many times and sent me a photo of her giving me the finger, but it's ok because I love her) . If you have suggestions feel free to tweet me @cxbainclifford, who knows, you might get a calum DM :)


You paced back and forth in your room, having a mini panic attack. Your boyfriend of two weeks' best friend told you that he was going to try and kiss you on your third date tonight.

Luke sat on your bed and watched you pace around your room.

"I don't understand why you're so worked up about it, Y/N. It's just a kiss" he shrugged.

But it was a big deal, it was your first kiss ever.

"Yes it is, Luke. I've never kissed anyone before and if I mess this up then he'll probably break up with me. I really like him Luke." You reasoned.

"If he liked you he wouldn't break up with you over a sloppy kiss... You just might not ever get a second one" Luke joked.

"Luke! I'm serious, what do I do?! He's picking me up in two hours. How do I learn how to kiss someone in two hours?" you whined.

"I could help. I'm basically an expert." he shrugged.

"You're not serious, are you?" you asked. Luke was never someone to be bold in situations like this.

"Yeah, sure why not. This way I don't have to break up with you if you do suck, and i won't ever have to kiss you ever again." He stated, quite reasonably.

"Alright... I'm not sure Luke" you said, you didn't want to embarrass yourself or anything.

"It'll be nothing, I promise." He smiled, he really knew how to convince.

You nodded in response and sat next to him on your bed.

"Y/N, loosen up, you're incredibly stiff." He giggled, you hadn't even realized how tense you were.

"Just followed my lead, don't think, just do." he soothed and slowly leaned towards you.

His lips touched yours and you flinched. It was such an odd feeling, but you liked it.

You pulled away not wanting to complicate things.

"You pulled away?" he pouted, "there's more to it, y/n."

"I have a boyfriend, Luke, and I got the just of it, thanks." you smiled at him.

"Ugh, that boyfriend of yours is such a cock block." He scrunched up his nose and huffed.

"Luke I haven't even had a real kiss, let alone have sex." You laughed.

"Want me to teach you that then?"


You had been dating calum for a while, or at least long enough you should've kissed by now, but you hadn't.

You never kissed anyone before, and he definitely tried to kiss you more than enough, but you were just so nervous. You didn't want to mess anything up between the two of you.

"Y/N, is there a problem?" he randomly asked one day, after you denied one of his kisses.

"What do you mean?" you played it off cool.

"We haven't kissed and we've been dating for two months. I try, but you deny them. Is it my breath? did I do something wrong?" he pushed. You hadn't realized how much this was bugging him.

"No! calum, trust me it's not you. I would love you kiss you, it's just... I've never kissed anyone before and it's kind of embarrassing and I want our first kiss to be special and if I suck I don't want you to break up with me." you rambled.

"You actually think i'd break up with you because of a kiss?!" he laughed and you just shrugged, "well yeah, wouldn't you?"

"No! of course not, y/n. You're too cute... I'll teach you. It can just be a practice, we won't count it as our first" he reasoned.

You nodded, that sounded like an alright idea to you, "sure, promise you won't laugh?" you asked.

"Of course babe, come here..." he said and sat down on the couch. You said next to him and turned to face him.

He leaned in and placed his hand in your cheek and you awkwardly leaned in. Your lips touched and it was a different feeling, but you liked it.

After the kiss was over you pulled away and when calum didn't say anything, you started to freak out.

"Ohmygosh I knew I'd do bad, please don't break up with me, I'm sorry, let me-" you rambled but he connected his lips with your again.

"You were perfect" he mumbled against your lips.

Oops I'm only doing Cakes for tonight but 20+ votes if you want mashtons. It's late and I have to get up early, I hope you enjoyed.

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