Long Way Home - Song Preference

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omfg when did I get 16k reads?! Thank u guys so much :) enjoy, I got this one off tumblr. Ily, thanks x

Ashton: I wanna get lost and drive forever with you

"Ash, what are you doing you were supposed to turn left there." You say trying to figure out how to use a map.
"We don't need this. I know exactly where I want to go." Ashton answered grabbing the map and chucking it to the pavement.
"Great. So what is you big plan now? To get lost? If it is then you are going exactly where you want to go then, you're right, you do know exactly where you are going."
"Shut up (y/n). I do want to get lost. I want to get lost with you and not know how to get back so I have to spend the entire day with you. That sounds perfect actually." Ashton said whilst pulling the car over and glancing at you.
"That sounds perfect Ash" You replied as you leant in for a kiss.

Calum: Hitting every red light
Kissing at the stop signs

You and Calum were driving back from a restaurant where you had previously eaten, avoiding the elephant in the room - that Calum was going away on tour tomorrow.
"Cal, you do know you missed the short-cut right?" You asked curiously, suspicious of his behaviour.
"Mhh, I prefer this way that's all."
"Why?" you asked furrowing you eyebrows at him.
"Because...Then I get to do this..." He replied planting a kiss on your lips.
"Y'know you can kiss me whenever you want Cal, I'm yours."
"I know but soon I'll be on tour and I won't get to kiss you whenever I want. So, I'm going to kiss you at every red light and make sure that we stop at the stop signs. In fact we might even have to take a thirty minute detour"

Michael: Something like make believe Living in a movie scene

It was yours and Michael's one year anniversary and he had decided that he was going to do all of the planning himself. You yourself were a little pessimistic as Michael had never really been the soppy romantic type but you were looking forward to the surprise. When you arrived home later that evening a beautiful red gown was laid out for you on the bed with a bouquet of roses and a card that read " I'll pick you up at 8 x" . In a blink of an eye it was eight and you and Michael were heading to the unknown location. When you were outside of the building you realised it was the place of yours and Michael's first date and the sight in front of you when you entered was just breath taking. The room was empty apart from the one candle lit table in the centre of the room and there were white rose petals all of the floor - everything was just perfect. Just like a cliché movie scene.

Luke: Back to the place only you and I share
Remember all the memories

It had been a week since you and Luke had broken up and he was still trying to win you back. This attempt lead to you meeting him in an old park where you had originally met Luke. Here you were again listening to how things were going to be different and how things were going to change for the better. You have heard these words so many times that they just felt empty - they hold no meaning any more. Just as you were starting to lose faith and hope in the idea of starting a fresh Luke pulled you close and asked you "Is it really worth throwing all of those memories away?"

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