Kylo Ren vs Savage Opress

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Author - Tobias Rasmussen from

After his unfortunate defeat at the hands of Rey, Kylo Ren was desperate to find a new challenger, one who was worthy of his new skills picked up from his master.

Kylo knew the power that lay within him; he just needed to know if he could use it.

The Knight of Ren explored barren desert that was Tatooine. Kylo had heard the legends of this planet, how it was the home to none other than the Skywalkers themselves. As night fell, the two suns illuminated his path.

Suddenly he stopped.

A sound emerged behind him, a deep, resonant growl that Kylo had heard all too many times before... a lightsaber.

Kylo Ren spun around to meet the source of the noise, and what he saw was unlike anything else. Savage Opress stood before him, his lightsaber drawn and held out, ready to attack.

"What are you doing here, child." exclaimed Opress, his voice full of aggression.

Kylo responded arrogantly "It seems I have finally found an opponent, whom I will crush."

The nightbrother's eyes glowed yellow, illuminating his large stature. He bellowed and charged towards Kylo, who quickly sidestepped and shoved Opress forward using the force.

"Your powers are considerable young man, perhaps you will be a more challenging foe than I anticipated." Said Savage.

"You don't know the power of the Dark Side... But I'll show you."

Without warning, Kylo Ren ignited his crossguard lightsaber and charged towards Opress, who in turn blocked and parried each of Kylo's frenzied strikes.

Opress had underestimated his opponent, he was quick and strong, but visibly blunt with his attacks. He lifted his double bladed saber and advanced towards Kylo, quickly and decisively overpowering his opponent with quick, powerful strikes with no pause in-between.

Kylo had been pushed back, his adversary was clearly stronger and more efficient than he was, the speed in which he moved through was what surprised him the most.

"My brother will be quite pleased to hear that I have defeated you. You are weak. Not a Sith, that much I can tell." The Nightbrother boasted, now full of confidence after overwhelming his opponent.

"You don't know what I am.." Replied Kylo, his voice beginning to become unstable.

"Then what are you! SHOW ME!" Roared Opress, charging once again at his opponent, before leaping into the air and landing behind Kylo. He began swinging his saber and thrashing it against Ren with unpredictable precision and power.

Kylo's head rushed with thoughts, he wasn't good enough, Opress was beating him completely and Kylo stood no chance.

That was, until...

The leader of the Knights of Ren roared, and let out a burst of pure force energy so powerful, it knocked Opress off his feet and he flew back into a large boulder, colliding with a sickening crunch.

Now Kylo felt something inside him, he had tapped into his raw strength, and now he was going to use it.

He rushed forwards, quickly igniting his lightsaber and leaping towards Savage Opress, who rose just in time to see Kylo descending upon him.

Kylo screamed and lashed out with swing after swing of increasingly powerful strikes, his mind was blank and he was seeing red, everything around him was blurred and distorted except for Savage.

With each blow Savage Opress felt the power being drained from him, his brother had taught him to be strong and quick, to always be nimble on your feet, but his brother's teachings couldn't help him from the relentless onslaught of frenzied swipes and slashes that were being directed at him.

Kylo Ren could feel the surging strength within him now, he advanced and pushed Savage back further and further, until they reached a cliff.

Opress felt the ground begin to give way beneath him, and he swiftly delivered a powerful kick to Kylo, causing him to stumble back.

Savage saw his only opening and gave all of his energy into this last attack, hitting Kylo with all of his strength and ferocity, it was working.

Savage's attack seemed to be effective against Kylo until he retaliated with a devastating strike, the power within the blow was unnatural and it knocked the lightsaber out of Savage's hand.

"You have won, an admirable effort" Gasped Savage, exhausted.

"You tested my connection to the force, and now you will experience how strong it really is" Kylo replied, sheathing his lightsaber and walking towards his battered foe.

"If you kill me... You will regret it." Savage told Kylo.

"I doubt that now."

"You don't know the powers you will awaken, they will come for you. And you will know the true power, of the Dark Side of the force"

"I'll show you, the Dark Side.."

With that, Kylo Ren reached out and lifted Savage with the force, staring at him with nothing but hatred. Before throwing him off the cliff into the darkness below.

Picking up Savage's lightsaber, the victorious Knight of Ren returned to the finaliser, to speak with his master.

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