All Might (My Hero Academia) vs The Thing (Marvel)

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The Thing slowly opens his eyes, looking around to see that he is on the ground in the middle of an arena. Across the room he sees a buff man groan and stand up, and The Thing thought he heard him say, “Where am I? This isn’t UA..”
All Might looks around and laughs, “Never fear! I’ll just leap away with 1 bound.”
All Might jumps up with all his force. He sails towards the edge of the boundary but bumps into an invisible force field. He falls back down to the ground and crashes into the floor.
The Thing notices the brute force of the jump. If they were to fight, this stranger could blow him away with pure strength.
“Prepare to fight in 20 seconds” A voice echoes through the arena.
“Fight who?” All Might questioned, finally facing the orange rocky creature.
“I’m guessing that I’m supposed to fight you.” said the Thing, cracking his knuckles.
“10 seconds to fight.” The voice echoed.
“Well I’m sorry that it has come to this.” All Might said, slightly bowing his head.
“FIGHT!” The voice said, as trumpets blared and fireworks exploded and…

The Thing flies to the end of the arena, smashing into the boundary. He coughs, and shifts his way out of the rubble.
“I am truly sorry, but I am afraid that to leave this arena I must win.” All Might says, walking towards the Thing.
"It's clobberin' time!" The Thing said, leaving no time for more words as he sprints towards the Symbol of Peace.
All Might simply grins as he waits for the Thing to reach him.

As the Thing leaps up to punch him All Might moves faster than the Thing can see him, throws a punch that hits the Thing in the stomach, and propels him upwards as hard as he can punch with a cry of “PLUS ULTRA!”

Ben Grimm flies through the air, unconscious, then falls back towards the ground. He lands and creates a massive crater.
“The Thing is knocked out! ALL MIGHT WINS!!”
In terms of raw power and speed, All Might destroys the Thing. The only thing the Thing can hold against All Might is his durability, even though this can be surpassed by raw strength. All Might already has shown his ability to surpass someone else’s durability (Nomu). Even if the Thing survives for longer than 3 hours than All Might can pull out his special move.

Therefore the winner is the Symbol of Peace, the holder of One for All.


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