Who would win, Elite Praetorian Guards vs Jedi Temple Guards?

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Source: https://www.quora.com/Who-would-win-Elite-Praetorian-Guards-Star-Wars-vs-Jedi-Temple-Guards-Star-Wars/answer/Bryant-Christine

Author: Bryan Christine

Author: Bryan Christine

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"We're leaving for Mustafar apprentice," Snoke says as he coughs and sputters. His body is withered and aged but his power with the force is unmatched. "We don't have much time to retrieve your grandfather's personal belongings," Snoke says in a whisper. "Yes master," Kylo says. His voice behind the mask is patient; calm. He senses the gravity of the mission he's about to undertake. "Guards! Get the ship ready. We're leaving at once," Snoke says.

Republic gunships fly in military formation towards the dreadnaught. A barrage of heavy turbolasers light up the CR25 troop transports. "We're coming in hot boys!" the clones yell. "Watch out! We're headed right for the landing bay!" A turbolaser shoots out the left engine of the lead ship carrying the Temple Guards. The clones wrestle the joystick and manage to glide the ship into a stack of First Order supply crates. The missile battery stockpile goes off and explodes inside the hangar. The ray shields guarding the hallway disengage. "We'll stay here with the Commandos. You hunt down the First Order leader. We'll meet you back at this hangar when the job finishes. Good hunting," yells the pilot. The Temple Guards only nod in unison. They turn on their transceiver and move into the hallway.

 They turn on their transceiver and move into the hallway

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The Temple Guards equip their lightsabers and get ready to move into the First Order throne room. Each Guard assumes a Form 3 stance, ready for a barrage of F-11D blaster rifle fire. They open the door and peer inside the throne room. Nothing. They disengage their lightsabers and move forward. Blood red curtains line the walls and ceiling. The throne lays barren and empty without a soul to inherit it. The floor reflects the image of the Temple Guards clad in pure white silk and hardened face masks. They peer out of the window into the blackness of space.

"Transmit message back to the Jedi Temple. Nothing here. The Dreadnaught is empty. Permission to head back to HQ," the lead Guard says. The transceiver flashes and chimes. "Guards, can you hear me? This is Luke Skywalker. We've just gotten word that Snoke and Ben are headed to Mustafar to retrieve my father's Sith artifacts. They are extremely powerful and must not be taken lightly. Radar has them a couple of clicks away from your location. Good luck and may the force be with you." "Affirmative Master. Signing off," the Guards say.

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