Chapter Two

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September 6, 8:19 am

Even after I awoke, I kept my eyes shut. I didn't want to deal with today.

I rolled out of bed. It was a Sunday. Isabelle was probably going out today with one of her friends from school. I would go to Jace's.

I snatched my phone from my nightstand and texted Jace.

Want 2 hang out??

His reply came quickly.

Sure where are we off to

I messaged him back; Don't care

Taki's sound good?? He asked.

I proceeded to agree. I grabbed some clothing from my dresser and headed to the bathroom to shower and change.

. . . .

I walked to Jace's place, which was only a couple blocks away. I had been right; Isabelle left a note on the table saying that she was going shopping and getting lunch with Jessamine Lovelace and Maia Roberts.

I shot Jace a quick text.

You coming?

He replied after a minute or two.

Yeah chill out i'll be there in a sec

I sighed and pocketed my phone. I leaned against the wall of the building and stared up at the sky.

Six days until my birthday. Six days until Suicide Saturday.

"Hey, Alec," Jace said, snapping me out of my daze.

"Hey," I replied. "Shall we make our way down to Taki's?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I'm starving."

We headed down the sidewalk, dodging people late to work and runners. Finally, we reached our favorite diner, Taki's.

Jace shoved the door open and entered, and I followed. We found a table to sit at and a waitress brought us our menus.

"Hello," She said. "I'm Kaelie. I'll be taking care of you today." She smiled a second longer at Jace than she did I, which I was used to. It wasn't like I minded.

"Can I start you off with something to drink?" Kaelie asked. We both ordered waters and she walked away.

I leaned back in my chair and looked up at the ceiling. I wondered if Jace would still come here after I was gone.

Who was I kidding? Of course he would. After I died, his life would continue on like I was never in it. I wasn't that important anyways. He had other friends besides me, like Jordan Kyle and his own cousin, Will. Jace probably only kept me around because I didn't have anybody else. He probably felt bad for me.

I wouldn't be missed. Nobody would even notice that I was gone.


I was snapped back to reality. Jace had said something to me that I hadn't caught.


"I asked you if you were alright. You looked upset."

I wanted to tell him that I was severely depressed, that I was cutting myself almost every night, and that I planned to kill myself in six days.

But he wouldn't understand. Nobody would ever understand. I was alone in this battle, completely alone.

"I'm fine," I replied.

Kaelie returned with our drinks. "Have you decided what you want to eat?" She asked. I ordered a stack of pancakes and Jace got eggs and bacon.

"So, how are you?" I asked Jace. He opened his mouth to respond, but froze when a girl breezed by our table. I followed his gaze.

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