Chapter Eight

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You know what, fuck periods.


Nico's feet were planted on the ground and he couldn't seem to move from that spot. He couldn't believe that this blonde beauty of a vampire had literally just leaned in and kissed him.

Well not kissed him, kissed him. More like, pecked his nose but it didn't matter to Nico. The only thing he was registering was that Will Solace has pressed his lips somewhere on his face and that was enough for Nico.

He couldn't help but grin as he walked back to the palace, which hurt his facial features a bit. He wasn't very accustomed to making that expression. However, he didn't care, nope not at all.

When he reached his window and had climbed up, he dropped himself on his fluffy bed and thought about Will.

His mind didn't want to let him go, and he only knew the blonde for about three days. His bouncing blonde locks and his sparkling blue eyes, and his freckles and his muscular tan arms and his pretty pink lips and-

Nico slowly sat up, considering his feelings towards the boy. Did he. . . Did he begin to develop some sort of crush on him?

He didn't want to have a crush on him. Will Solace was just a friend. Not even a friend, just an acquaintance. They were most definitely not friends, because that boy was a vampire, which also happened to be a werewolf's mortal enemy. Hell, they weren't even supposed to talk to each other!

On top of all that, Nico was supposedly getting married soon, to a young girl from who know where. A werewolf of course. And there was nothing he could do about it.

Sighing, he rolled around on his bed, until he felt his face hit the pillow. He sunk his head on the warm and squishy mattress, closing his eyes and trying to block out all thoughts. That was impossible, because his mind kept drifting towards a certain someone, no matter how angry it made him.


The following day, Nico awoke to somebody tapping him on the shoulder. He imagined it must've been a silly maid, who apparently didn't know you had to knock before being allowed to enter somebody's room. He ignored it at first, until they began to shake him from the shoulders, gripping his body too hard for his liking.

His eyes snapped open and he let his instincts take over as he jumped on the intruder, gripping them by the shoulder and knocking them and himself off the bed and onto the floor. He was met with a pair of wide blue eyes pinned down on the floor under him, much like the first time they met.

They froze for about five seconds, catching their breath. Nico realized he wasn't wearing anything on the top of his body, just a pair of black sweatpants. He almost turned red at the position he found himself in, shirtless and pinning Will to the floor of his room. Who was only wearing a tight black tank top and shorts.

"Hi," Will regained his voice.

Nico tightened his grip on Will's shoulders, scowling at him when he registered the situation a little more clearly. He pressed his hand to Will's mouth.

"Will!" He whisper yelled, "What the hell!? Do you know how dangerous this is? Not only are you in werewolf territory, you are in my roo- Ah!"

He took his hand off Will's mouth when he felt something wet lick the surface.

"Hold up, sweetie! Slow your roll, I know the situation I am in!"
Will remained smiling like everything was fine, like it wasn't like at any moment one of the maids or maybe even Nico's father could simply walk in.
Nico scowled at the nickname. "Okay first of all, don't call me that again, please."

"Since you said please,"

"Second, why the hell are you here this early in the morning! The sun is barely coming up, and also, how in the heck did you get past the guards and into my room!?"

Will clapped his hands together. "Well, I just ran real quick, ya know. They didn't even notice. Also, you leave your window slightly opened. Don't you get cold? Especially since you sleep shirtless?"

"I don't want a lecture about getting cold from someone who isn't capable of getting cold," Nico replied, blushing a bit at being reminded that he was indeed topless.

"Actually Sunshine, I get cold. Our dietary changes from the past made it so, and this whole new generation of vampires is different. My blood is warm, see?"

Will wrapped his strong arms around Nico's smaller body, taking the shorter one by surprise. His face turned bright red at the amount of skin that was exposed and touching each other. He was in fact, warm. Actually, he was really warm, and Nico was really cold. Nico unconsciously snuggled closer to the heating body, his face buried in the crease between Will's neck and shoulder.

"Wow, Nico, you're pretty cold! How ironic," he snickered.

"Shut up," Nico grabbed Will's arms and pushed them away from his body, regaining his composure.
Will just chuckled.

"Ugh, I need a shirt." Nico walked clumsily around his room, searching for something of his liking.

"You can wear my sweater, I'm not using it," Will took off a sweater that was wrapped around his hips and tossed it over to Nico, who caught it easily.

"Thanks. ."

Nico got the sweater over his head, and it fell a little longer than he thought. It was a large gray sweatshirt, and it smelled like vanilla and the woods.

"You look cute, Nico."

Nico turned bright red, and he covered his face with his hands, which were covered by the long sleeves of the sweatshirt.

Will walked closer to him, and Nico almost began hyperventilating, his heart beating faster the closer Will got to him. His heart felt like it was literally beating out of his chest when Will was in his personal space, a finger right under Nico's chin, tilting it up so that Nico would look at him in the eyes.

"Especially when you blush," he was only a few centimeters away from his face, his lips right above his own.

Suddenly, someone was at the door, knocking, and Will was gone in a flash.

"Nico, your father is calling you over to discuss. He says it's important," the voice of Hazel, one of his maids called from the other side, her voice muffled.

"Tell him I'll be there shortly, please," Nico yelled back.

He didn't bother putting something else on, only changing into some jeans and putting on some shoes. He left the sweatshirt on, though.

I wonder what nonsense he has this time.

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