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Watching the two wizards in an embrace Natsu couldn't help but grin, "Hey Hey Luce!" he told the blond girl, "What?" she asked shock. "Let's get married!" he told her. "At least do it, half as romantic as Gray did~!" Lucy exclaimed but she couldn't hide the red tint on her cheeks. Making Mira giggled and squeal like a fangirl. "They liiiiiiiiiiiikkkee~ eachother~!" Happy said covering his mouth with his paws

Walking side by side back to the guild, Gray and Erza together with Mirajane, Lucy, Natsu and Happy they barge in the ever noisy premises of Fairy Tail.

"We're Back!" Natsu shouted. "And guess who's getting married?" Mira added with a sweet smile on her face. "You and Laxus?" Freed exclaimed making Mira blush. "Ah N-no n-not u-us," the white haired mage stuttered. "Then who?" Bickslow asked. "Gray and Erza is!" Lucy shouted "About damn time Gray!" Macao told the raven haired boy. "This calls for a celebration!" Wakaba shouted. "Marrying is the man!" Elfman exclaimed.

The four, I mean five including happy, sat together, "Mira-chan five booze please~!" Lucy called to the takeover mage and she quickly gave them five mugs of beer."I told you my cards never lie Gray," Cana smirked at the newly engaged couple. The four chugged their drinks as they talk and plan about the wedding when Lucy notice Erza not touching her beverage. "You don't like beer Erza?" Lucy asked the red head mage. "Haven't I told you?" Erza asked in confusion. "Told us what?" Gray replied with a hint of worry. "I'm pregnant with Gray's child..." Erza explained smiling. Gray couldn't believe what he was hearing and it took him roughly ten seconds to fully understand her message, "I'm g-going to be a father?" he asked again and Erza nodded. "I'm going to be a father!"

"Did I hear it right, you're going to be a father?" Lyon said popping out of nowhere, "make sure you make us hi/her godparents ok?" he said as he pulled Juvia towards them. "Yes, Lyon-sama and Juvia would want to be the godparents of Gray-sama and Erza-san's child."

A month later, Gray and Erza got married and bought a house just outside Magnolia, it wasn't that small nor that big, it's a two story building and has enough space, perfect for a family. A few months later of that year Erza gave birth to a pair of twins and named them, "Sapphire and Garnet"

S H O U T O U T:

So what do you think? Comment below or tweet me on twitter @KayeVonStaddi and tell me what you feel. Sorry for the typos and grammatical errors ok, English isn't my forte. Anywho I hope you enjoy the short story☺ BTW, I recommend you guys read "An Archer Caught My Heart" by VimKayNI, I'm one of the contributors to that story so I hope you guys would read it too and I wish you guys would enjoy it♥ and I was planning on writing another story entitled "Vague: A promise of Forever" and "My Cassanova Boyfriend" so wait for it. Byebye~!

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Virtual hugs everyone


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