🐓chapter one🐓

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There was once a lonly scientist who made a robot. The project was called "my little monster".

It took over 10 year for the robot to be bult into a 13 year old child. The scientist was very  happy with his work. He named the robot 'Haru'.

Over time he trained haru in the arts of music and martial art. The scientist was over joyed   that haru was able to mastered them in no time, but as days past them by the scientist noticed somthing. Haru seems to not posses what every human have..."emotion".

The scientist spent a week going through all the data and then he found it..the missing key, Haru was missing a heart. Somthing so simple yet so complix to make.
He knew it will take a long time to make, so he decided to freeze Haru in a time capsule.

Days turned to moths, years has past by. At last the heart was done but before He can place it in haru, he first had to make sure if it had any side affects.

suddenly the scientist grow very ill. He know he didn't have long to live so, He got right back to work.

the scientist found a side affect that will cause haru some trouble, it was super strength though it's not deadly but, it can be harmful to haru if not under contrul.

So, the scientist diceded to place a force filed in the heart incass if Haru were to ever be in mortal danger the force filed will keep him safe.

The scientist was happy with the fainall result. He unfroze Haru and placed the heart in him but, he realized time was not in his side. The scientist had to make a heart braking decision.

   no.1 he can unfreeze haru knowing he's going to die soon lieving haru all alone.

       no.2 he can put a timer on the capsule to opean in the next 6,000 years and hope that someone finds him.

The scientist hoped that he  made the right choice as he set a timer for 6,000 years. The scientist wept at the thought of not seeing haru grow up or not even remembering who he was.

This gave him a idea, he got a flash drive and started placing file of there time together, information about him self and haru, and one more thing...his own memerios.

Once the scientist finished adding the file in the flash drive he placed on haru hand before he clossed the capsul.

He sat on his chair as he got a good look of haru before going to a deep sleep never to be awakened again.


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