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A/N - guys Shawn might not release WIITYAS and SOM. istg if he doesn't at least release WIITYAS i will fly down to Toronto and slap him. we've been waiting too long Mendes.

I sit there crying my eyes out. (Me because Shawn might not release WIITYAS and SOM. jk okay back to the story)
I hate this. I hate being weak. Why do I cry all the time? The day was going so well but then I had to go and ruin it by kissing Shawn.

I mean at least Max saw it happening so I didn't have to explain the kiss. Wait what? yah okay my mind is messed up right now.
I sat there, dominated by a profound sadness, weakness engraved on my face. Nobody wanted anything to do with me. I yelled at Shawn but I couldn't stand there and watch him talking. He kissed back not stopping the kiss knowing I had a boyfriend. I however forgot I was on Planet Earth so kept the kiss going.

Okay I know I sound very idiotic but the reason why I yelled at Shawn was because I needed someone else to blame it on. All the blame from Max was on me and I wanted to share this hurt feeling. My sadness is basically an insincerity. I can't tell you what's worse. Sometimes my negative feelings are like a shell, holding in a thousand oceans of tears. Sometimes though, it holds a thousand pieces of sharp glass that are wedged in between my soul and body. That's what I like to call pain. Basically what I felt when my dad died and getting bullied by Nash. And now the pain is back from losing my best friend.

I decide to go to the bathroom, luckily no one was there. I'm here on a big bus sharing a bathroom with seven other guys. Yah to some fangirls this is the dream but to me, I want to get out as soon as possible.

I exit the bathroom and crawl into my bunk. It's 3:05PM meaning we have two more hours to arrive at the first bus stop. San Jose. I settle myself in pulling the cover sheets above me and take a nap.

The guys and I are sat out front playing video games and devouring our food. I decide to not bother speaking to Bri. Screw her. She gets mad at me for the dumbest reasons and won't even try talking after a mistake. I'm determined to not speak to her unless she wants to start speaking. And that Max guy. Boy he probably hates my guts.
He's sitting next to Gilinksy and Matt in the far back consuming the Taco Bell.
He sure looks fine for someone who's been cheated on. Odd.

"I JUST CREAMED YOU GUYS!" Nash exclaims at me and Hayes.
"Guys keep it down" Cameron says watching Teen Wolf. Damn that boy and his supernatural shows.

"Oh bro what episode is that?" Max asks.
"It's that episode with the ghost riders. They took Stiles" Cameron explains.

"Oh you're still there? Bri and I binged watched season 6 because we didn't want to wait each week for a new episode." Max replies.

Why's he talking about her like nothing happened? Maybe they made up? I don't know. I mean I totally don't care. It's none of my business. Speaking of Bri. Her food's still here. She hasn't eaten since the cafe. Oh well not my problem.

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