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I shut the door behind me and pace around the room. The door open and closes and I look up to see Shawn.

"Go away Shawn!" I yell annoyed.

Call me stupid or hypocritical, but I did not make out with the two guys. I didn't even lean back in to peck their damn cheek. Shawn was clearly making out and enjoying it, wrapping his arms around her waist. I even looked over to Shawn to see if he was fine with me kissing the guys and he signaled it was.

"Bri, you made out with two guys. So it's fine if you kiss some guys but when it comes to me kissing one girl, you act up? Why are you being so immature?" He says pissed.

"I'm not being immature. First of all Mendes, I literally looked over to you because I was hesitant at first to go in and kiss them. You signaled for me to go by nodding and smiling. And second of all I didn't make out with them. I pulled away from the kiss after three seconds. You practically winked at her and wrapped your arms around her waist pulling her closer and smiling into the kiss. How do you think that made me feel?"

"You're being such a child. You kissed two, I made out with one girl. We're even." Shawn exclaimed.

"Why are you acting like we're together? We're not together Shawn. So I don't see how the point in you saying we're even in this." I say.

"If anything, you're acting like we're together by getting so mad over me kissing someone else. Plus why were you even looking over to me to see if you could kiss the guy? Oh I know, because you act like we're together." He fires back.

"No. I only looked over to you because you asked me out on a date and what kind of person would I be if I kissed some guys right after?" I reply.

"Then why on earth would you even participate if you knew we were going to kiss other people?"

"I-I don't know." I sigh sitting down.

"Right. And forget the date tomorrow night. It's off. I can't take someone out who gets mad over the stupidest things. Have fun alone." he says and walks out shutting the door.

I sit there, thinking about the mistake I've made. Shawn was being a dick but I was being a bigger one.

It's too early to apologize to Shawn. He won't forgive me now. Might as well do it tomorrow.

I decide on going to bed so I crawl in my bunk bed and pull the sheets up on me. Goodnight world.


"Bri. Bri. Brianna" I hear.

My eyes begin fluttering to open to a blurry figure. I can't really see who because I'm just waking up.

"Mm" I groan.

"Bri come on. It's 10 in the morning. Get your ass out of bed. We're all going to get breakfast" I finally get my sight back and realize it's Hayes.

"I'm not hungry. Just let me sleep" I whine.

"You went to bed the earliest and here you are nagging. We're all up and ready to head to the Waffle House so come on!" He says pulling the sheets off me. A hint of cool hair immediately attacks my body and I crawl up into a ball.

I can feel a pair of eyes burn into my face so I look up and see Hayes standing there looking at me.

"Okay fine" I sigh getting out of bed. "I'll just go like this" I say looking at my outfit in the mirror. I'm still wearing Shawn's vanilla scented jacket and my sweatpants. I untie my hair from the ponytail it was in and slip on my nike.

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