Chapter 001

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You choked on your food, once you heard what they wanted.

First, you showered, dressed, and went to the place. You met the couple. You explained what you did for a living, then your best friend, then them. Then, they suggested an arranged marriage.

"I thought those don't exist anymore?!?" You spurred out.

"All due respect. Miss (LastName), my wife and I were in one." Mr. Kim said.

"And he's okay with it." You said not paying attention to w hat you actually said.

"(Name), that's the point of one. No choice between the two parties is given. Arranged Marriage; that is what it means." (BestFriend) said.

"Shut up. I'm tired of your attitude." You said.

The couple just laughed, as you looked at their son.

"You couldn't fight on this?" You asked him.

"Its tradition." He said, shrugging.

"You do deserve to have a choice." You told him.

He hummed in response, as you just rolled your eyes.

"(Name), I apologize for being informal, but we would like to set the marriage up between our son and you. You are intelligent with a career, you and (Best Friend) built five years and counting. All you have achieved at the age of 20. You took will make beautiful babies. Just look at his features." Mrs. Kim said.

You looked over at the son. He gave you a big smile.

"Stop that." You told him. "You look like (Best Friend) giving me puppy dog eyes when she wants something. I refuse to have two of her in my life."

"So you accept it?" (Best Friend) asked.

"Thought I didn't have a choice." You retorted.

"Accept the idea." She said.

"I guess." You shrugged.

"Great!" The parents said way too excited.


Now it was at night, and you were in your pajamas with your best friend.

"Why me?" You groaned.

"Well you wouldn't give me grandchildren quick enough." She said grinning.

"Excuse you." You said.

The doorbell rang, as you walked over in your pajamas. It was consisted of a long flannel, covering a muscle tank, shorts, and slippers. You covered yourself with the flannel, before you opened the door.

"Woah, is this your new wife? She's pretty V!" A guy said, staring at you.

"Does she have a bed? A nice fluffy one. You guys exhaust me."

"You didn't go around asking that."

Cue dirty looks.

"Hopefully your new wife is nice."

"New wife, do you like rap?"

"Babe!" A guy ran and hugged (Best Friend).

"What?" You yelled.

"Jungkook meet (Name). (Name) meet Jungkook my boyfriend."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Your voice was getting squeakier, and louder.

"You wouldn't listen." She said.


"New wife, it's 'I'm Sorry'. I'm not sure if you know the words." A guy said with white-like skin.


"Nope, just tired."

"(Best Friend), I'm sorry, I really am." You told her.

"I know how you get, when you work." She said.


You turned towards the soon - to - be husband.

"If we are going to get married, then you should know me, and my life." He said. "(Name)?" He questioned.

"Oh yeah. I haven't got your name yet. I doubt 'V' is your name." You said.

"Kim Taehyung. Call me Tae."

"(Full Name), nice to meet you Tae."

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