Introduction and Standards

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Hello, I'm Selene. 

Many of you have probably read other Instagram, Facebook, or texting/comming stories- some for Lunar Chronicles and some not. 

Regardless of the fandom, the writers of these are very creative and I respect every one of them. Yet, the chapters are sometimes pretty short. 

This isn't hating- all of their chapters are fabulous, but I'm just saying that this story will be different.

Mostly each chapter on here will be extremely and sometimes obnoxiously long. Hope you like reading! 

Just know that each chapter might take a while to read, so in return the updates will be once every week or two. Maybe if a number of you beg, it will come sooner. 

Another issue I've seen is plagiarizing. 

Don't copy off my story.

If I see that anything like that happen, be prepared to be reported or receive hate from me. I do not think it is respectful to take someone else's work.

It's called stealing, actually. 

Also, I do not plagiarize off other people's stuff.

So don't go around claiming I've copied- make sure to check this sentence out before you make any assumptions.

Everything I write is mine, and only mine.

Plagiarism goes both ways: I don't plagiarize, and you shouldn't plagiarize.

Whatever happens with this story, just please enjoy it.

I do not write for myself. 

I do not write to have "1 work" on my profile.

I write so you all can enjoy it, so please do. 

If you have any complaints, then complain.

If you have any advice, then advise.

If you have any funny comments, then comment!

If you want to pester me with, "UPDATE NOW," then do so. It's not going to change anything that happens. All it will be is one more number on my notifications. I will update when I want to.

I'm not going to plead y'all to vote or anything; it's up to you what you do.

But if you happen to like it, then vote. That's what the star is there for.

I don't know how anyone else does it, but how I choose a story is by how many votes and reads it has. If it has a generous amount of votes then it is probably pretty good. People don't just vote without reason.

I'm not going to put out warnings of 'explicit language' or 'sexual/inappropriate references' because let's face it, we're all on Wattpad. We've seen it all.

At the end of each chapter, I'll either recognize a person for a good reason, or I will give you a little something special; like a recipe or five facts about me. Maybe a question about the Lunar Chronicles that you have to answer.

I'm sure most of y'all either skimmed over this or skipped it completley. 

So for the few of y'all that didn't, comment here and I'll give you a shoutout later and/or a follow. The shoutouts will only go through March 1, 2018, and after that you'll just get a follow. Or maybe a "thank you" on your bio.

This being said, let the Comm Chat[TLC] begin!

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