Timeline [Very Important]

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I'm going to introduce you to the time of this story and the way I do things. If you read the story without consulting in this, well, not many things are going to make sense.(You're going to be confused as hell) I've changed some things from the story, but kept most of it the same.

On this chat, there are things that you may come across that seem unlike the story.

To make it easier, this is the time in the story that it's taking place, and these are the rest of the details:

It take place post-war, and everyone lives a carefree, happy life.

Winter, Jacin, Kinney, Cinder, and Iko all live on Luna, and Kai, Scarlet, and Wolf live on earth. Thorne and Cress travel around, so they never really stay in one place.

While Kai, Scarlet, Wolf, Cress, and Thorne are not immediately on Luna, they still travel there from time to time. Kai the least often because of political reasons.

For Luna, I decided that the amount of pressure on the thin atmosphere would result in numerous windows breaking. Therefore, there are only a few windows throughout the palace, mostly in main places. I took them out of the inconvenient places like sleeping quarters, bathrooms, and upstairs corridors. Yet I kept them in the main places, so there are still some.

In the story I mention them seeing each other through some of the windows, so don't get confused.

Also, Lunar glamour has mutated, making them able to reach a higher amount of people and a farther amount of distance without becoming significantly more powerful. It can also, from a short distance, maintain some of its powers in digital communications. Mostly because I was lazy and I wanted Thorne, while on earth, to listen to Cinder.

Can someone tell me what foreshadowing is?

Okay, sorry. Back on track with this boring yet very informative timeline.


Kai and Cinder, referred to as Kaider. This is not real yet, meaning they're both still in denial about loving each other. Drives Iko crazy.

Wolf and Scarlet, also known as Warlet. They're dating, and engaged.

Cress and Thorne, recognized as Cresswell! They're dating wonderfully, and ruling the galaxy with their cuteness! I'm just kidding, they're also in denial. They drive Iko crazy as well.

Jacin and Winter- Jacinter. They're dating, even if Jacin doesn't want to admit it.

Iko and Liam Kinney, known as Kiko-  ...Isn't this story low key about getting them together? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) So no, they're not dating... Yet. 

I've said it once and I'll say it again: Just enjoy this story! It would mean a lot to me.


I'll say this once, and it goes for the whole story: I do not own The Lunar Chronicles, nor do I own Marissa Meyer's terminology. The only thing I own is the humor and the plot, but we'll get to that later.

The humor, I mean. These "introductions" of sorts have been very formal and demanding.

I think I've gotten my point across, don't you?

I think last chapter I said, "Let the Comm Chat begin!"

Sorry about that. It'll begin next chapter, I promise.

I really hope you read this. Nothing's going to make sense and I'm going to get a lot of hate with y'all saying stuff like, "Haven't you read the books? Kai and Cinder are dating, you dumbass! God, I can't believe you'd write this without reading the books, ugh. *flips what you think is beautiful hair*". (No one is beautiful on the outside unless they are on the inside. One can always find flaws with someone "pretty," but if you're kind, people won't have flaws to find.)

And again, as I've said, hate doesn't bother me. I'll probably either be rude back, or ignore you completely. It's just another "1" on my notifications. Very insignificant to me.

Alright, moving on to the story!

If you have any questions of complaints, find a way to tell me. On my bio, PM, commenting here... I really don't care. I'll see it either way.

Have a nice day! If you have no reason to be unhappy, then don't. You all deserve to feel good right now.

See you lovelies. 

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