Sping rings

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It was now April 1...APRIL FOOLS DAY!!everyone yelled

Madalyn speaking..

Hey Jeremy I was wondering if we could set up a city for some survivers?he said probly not but we will have a meeting Today so you can discuss it then. Okay I said and walked off I went to the farm house and walked inside shutting the door I went to the kitchen and got out the bag of beans I took them and walked back outside and got the farming tools I planted the beans because I heard that if you plan a bag of beans they will grow I didn't plant The whole bag just some. Because I'm putting the rest up so we might be able to trade if we really need to when I was done planting it was 530 time for dinner my mom yelled. I begin to run to my mom I went inside the house to get some food I grabbed a plate of Strawberries and eight to the delicious strawberry fastly. After dinner Jeremy said it was time for the meeting so we all walked into the living room and sat down Jeremy said does anyone want to discuss anything I said I did. I started talking about we should make a city for all the survivors it would be really nice of us We could become friends and we could get more food but also it could be bad someone could rob everyone and people could kill but I think it be good if we did that it would be good that's my idea. Everyone Shook their head no and I got sad but the kids said yes it would be good. But then I thought about it and it probably wouldn't we already have enough people on our team but it would be better well it could happen if we had a few more....

{Book Three} Winter NightsWhere stories live. Discover now