Finding stuff For The dog

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The dog was a German Shepherd that zoe said and I already knew that and Chandler check to see if it was a girl or boy. It turned out to be a girl that was pregnate so we could also have puppies and keep some and trade or keep them all in the fence that we have extra that bob wire. We got to name the dog but no one knew what to name her. I desided..... Lady. All the kids agreed but the boys The boys wanted to name her killer or spiky I said but she's a girl not a boy idiots! They called me stupid and I made a face at the boy and pushed him down. Me and Zoe said we were going around to look for stuff especially for the dog so we walked off out of the house going to my truck and left to go to one of the Pet stores we arrived at the pet store about 15 to 20 minutes later and we walked inside the store and seen cages opened and animals trying to fight to survive and find food. Bc all the stuff was mostly gone but treats.i grabed the dogs that were all puppies and held them.zoe found some cats that were kittens and grabbed them.she also not some cat treats and dog treats all that was left than we walked Back to the truck and got in we put the animals in the back of the truck bed. I got in the drivers seat after zoe got in the passenger seat turn the truck on and drove off. We arrived at Walmart ad walked inside.we found a few cans of dog and cat food and some big bowls for water and food an got them w also found some more treats for dogs and cats and took them and went back to the truck running an shooting zombies.we go in the truck an drive off back home when we got back we got yelled at my my mom and Zoe's dad Jeremy.i put the dogs in the bobwhire fence with lady also there were 4 dogs 2 girls 2 boys me an Zoe named te girls misty and Sally am the boys named the boy puppies spike and and Zoe named the 4 cats 3 girls one boy the boy was named luke the girls scarlet karma and ki ki.we put them in a small cabinet in the house in a blanket as put a Lil bowl of cat milk that Zoe secretly found and same with the dogs.after we filled the bowl up with pet milk I put it in the cabinet I also put a lip bit of soft food in a bowl in there also we went back outside and got the puppies inside and put them also in a cabinet with a blanket and filled the bowl up with dog milk and some soft dog food.i then walked outside and seen that lady was giving birth a yelled mom lady is having puppies!!!!my mom ran outside and helped her give birth than we got last inside with the puppies wearing a kitchen glove and Laid a blanket for Lady to lay on an her puppies did get beside her.

{Book Three} Winter NightsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora