Getting a pet

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I Madalyn was out in the field playing around with lianna After she got over the cold I heard barking and they got it from rolling in the filled and ran in the way of the noise. When they got to the noise a seeing a lot of walkers surrounding a dog!!! Madealyn ran to the walkers and started shooting and stabbing. Lianna Pulled out her gun and started trying to shoot the walkers from a distance. After walking to kill I told her to stay back and I walk slowly to the dog. He ran up to me and started sniffing and licking me I thought he was scratched or a bitch because either way you will turn you are scratched her bit. He was either of that so he followed us back home. When we got everyone Yelled dog!! and came running to the dog I gotten trouble last few people but I didn't care we needed a would make us closer and more like a family.i thought

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