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"Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo called out as she hopped from cloud to cloud. Scootaloo looked around for her mentor. It was a study break and she had suggested that they play hide and go seek. It was Scoots turn to find her and the bright orange pegausus was smiling from hear to ear. She loved Rainbow Dash so much! She was like her big sister.

Scootaloo hopped over to a big cloud to search for her. She sniffed the cloud's surface when a dark hoof pulled her inside. "Ahh!" she yelled in terror. Suddenly she heard laughter. "I got you good kid!" Rainbow Dash chuckled. Scootaloo mentally hoof palmed herself for screaming like that. "Well, I'm going to get you back" Scoots taunted. Rainbow and Scoots climbed to the surface of the clouds. "Are you ready?" Rainbow Dash asked. Scootaloo nodded and spread out her wings, ready to begin.

She went through What Rainbow taught her. Kepp your wings even, move with the wind, focus, speed comes after controll. For now Scootaloo flew while being supported by Rainbow Dash's hoof. It felt so good. The wind in her mane felt so right and the silence was calming.

She looked down to look for approval from Rainbow, but she was gone. She was flying by herself? Rainbow Dash appeared beside her and winked. "Good job, kid." she said with a smile. Scootaloo beamed with pride. "Hey Rainbow Dash," she said, "wanna race?" "Oh it is on!" replied Rainbow with a huge smile.

Rainbow zoomed ahead and Scootaloo kept pace. As she got closer to RD she picked up the speed. She looked back to see Rainbow Dash's face as she zoomed ahead of her. "Scootaloo! Look out!" Rainbow yeelled. "Wha-" Scoots slamed into a stray cloud, knocking her off balance. Her wings folded from the suprise and she fell towards the ground. "Nooo!" Rainbow and Scoots screamed in unison.

The ground came closer and closer to Scootaloo's vision. She tried to get her wings out and fly. Nearly 10 feet from the ground, her wings came out. It did no good, it only slowed her down. "Scootaloo!" Rainbow screamed.

Everything went black.


Scootaloo woke up in a hospital with tubes attatched to her front and back legs and a respirator on her mouth. Everything was so blurry and confusing. She slowly turned her head, causing her to moan in pain. Suddenly, Rainbow appeared by her side. She was crying hard. What? RD never cried. "R- rainbow..." Scoots moaned. "Oh Scootaloo! I thought I lost you! You've been in a coma for weeks. The doctors told me there was no chance... I refused to beleive. Oh Scoots!" She gently hugged Scootaloo.

Wha? A coma? She tried to remeber, but things didn't connect.

A doctor entered the room, a stallion who's name she couldn't remeber. "Hey the, I see you're awake. How are you feeling?" he asked. "Blurry." Scoots replied weakly. "That's normal. You know, you're one very lucky filly. By pulling out your wings when you did, you stop yourself from certain death." He said to her. Death? Like what happened to mom and dad? She didn't want to think about it...

The doctor checked her over and left. Now it was just Scoots and Rainbow. They talked and RD caught her up on everything she missed. Everything, but the thing Rainbow had forbidden anyone to talk to Scootaloo about. AJ was dead, and Abby was missing. It would be too much for the weak filly to handle right now. Rainbow Dash left to go let the others know she had awoken.

Now that Scootaloo was alone, she tried to clear things up. Only, things weren't clear. She heard voices. In her head. "She was glad to rid of you. She tried to kill you. Are you going to let that happen?" the voices said. "No!" she thought, "I'm not crazy, I can't be hearing voices!"

"Oh but you are."

"No! This is my head! Property of Scootaloo!"

"She tried to kill you. Rainbow Dash. She hates you. She wants to kill you now. She's thinking about it."

Was she really? This kinda made sense. She can't remeber what happened, she only remebered Rainbow Dash. Maybe she did try to kill her. Maybe Rainbow Dash was crazy!

Scootaloo heard voices outside the door. It was the doctor and some other pony. "Did you hear about the most recent murders? A shame. This used to be such a nice town."

Rainbow Dash was a killer! Well, not if Scootaloo killed her  first! Little did Scoots know, she was far from the truth.

She slowly got out of bad, working life back into her muscles. She grabbed something from the surgical table next to her. It was a needle. She looked in cabinets for something to fill it with. She found a bottle of cleaner and sucked up the blue liquid. She slipped back into bed with the needle under the blankets and waited.

After awhile Rainbow came in. "Hey Scoots! I'm came to check on you." "Oh, thanks. Hey, can you fix this pillow?" Scoots asked. Rainbow  came over and as soon as she bent over Scoots plunged the needle deep into her neck.

Rainbow Spasmed on the floor. Her eyes rolled back into the back of her head and her mouth foamed. Scoots just stared at her a blood seeped from her eyes.She laughed  coldly and watched as she struggled to get away. Scootaloo stomped on her head. Once. Twice. Her skull cracked open and her brain matter spilled out along with some blood.

"Good job." said the the voices. 

Scootaloo smiled to herself as a cutie mark appeared.

It was a broken needle next to a bloody horse shoe print. "Perfect" Scoots said gleefully.

Cutie Mark Chronicles ( A girmdark story)Where stories live. Discover now