Sweetie Bell

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                                          *Warning: Rape scene*

Sweetie Bell bounced around the hotel she and her sister were staying in. It wasn't very often she went to Canterlot! "Now Sweetie," Rarity said with little patience, "Would you please quit? I can't focus." Sweetie was in too good of a mood to argue, so she just agreed with Rarity, this time.

Rarity Stitched together a dress singing "Thread by thread, sewing it together. Celestia's dress, Measuring out the pattern peice by peice. Making sure it flows nicely,  Don't you like the color? It's so hip! Always gotta keep my mind in the game, This is for more than fortune and fame. I'm sewing Celestia's dress."

 "Oh Sweetie Bell, Could you be a dear and give me some space to work? Go, er, explore Canterlot." Rairity said, not looking up from her work. Sweetie dashed out of the apartment and into the streets. Everything was so diffrent than plain old Ponyville! She wondered around, looking into shops and stores.

As Sweetie Bell passed a bakery, her stomache growled. "Ugh! I forgot my money!" she moaned. She pressed herself up against the window, staring at the yummy cupcakes. 

"Hello there, little one. What's the matter?" said  voice from behind her. She turned around and recognized the pony. He was one of the Wonderbolts. His coat was light blue, with an even darker navy blue mane and warm green eyes.  Sweetie smiled, Scootaloo was going to love this! "I'm just hanging out." she said. Her stomache let out a loud growl and the stallion laughed. "Hungry now, aren't we?".  Sweetie nodded quickly and he laughed again. "Here, I'll buy you a cupcake." He said. "Wait," Sweetie called out, "What is your name? A friend of mine is a huge fan and she would press me for details once I told her." "Soarin" he replied.

Sweetie watched him go up to the counter and order a chocolate hay cupcake. He went over to the next counter and got a packed of something and put it on top. "It must be sugar!" Sweetie Bell thought happily.

When Soarin came back out, he handed Sweetie the cupcake and said "It's a bit hot out. Would you like to go sit in the shade?" "Yes, thank you so much." Sweetie replied. They went over to a dark, shady spot and sat down. Sweetie took her first bite of cupcake. It was yummy! She took another and another until she finished. It had an odd aftertaste, but she ignored it. After she finished Sweetie looked up and saw Soarin staring at her. "Do I have something on my mou-" Sweetie started to feel dizzy. "What's happeneing?" she asked slowly. It seemed as though her eyes couldn't stay open another second and her body went numb. She closed her eyes


Sweetie awoke in a strange room. She tried to move, but she couldn't. "Huh?" she said in confusion. She loooked over to see she was tied down onto a bed. Now she was scared. "Help! Somepony help!" she screamed. She heared hoofsteps beside her and looked over. It was Soarin! "Soarin, help!" she cried. He just laughed at her coldly. Could he be the one to have done this? 

Tears streamed down Sweetie's face. What would happen? "Are you going to kill me?" she asked, sobbing. He didn't say a word and he moved to the foot of the bed. He took his hooves and spread her hind legs apart. "What are you doing?!" Sweetie Bell screamed.

He spoke up for the first time, "You'll see, bitch." She noticed something. His cock was errect. She remebered an awkward and rather boring sex talk from Twilight. That's how ponies were made. She fully realized what was happening now and screamed louder than before, until her throat was raw. Something was shoved in her mouth so she could no longer scream and she could only watch as the horror began.

He spit on his cock and rubbed it with his hoof, grinning at her. He thrust inside her hard making her cry out into the rag in her mouth. It hurt so much and she felt herself start to bleed. "Juft Kigg Mi Alrhdy!"* she screamed. She didn't want to endure this any longer. He kept thrusting, harder and fast each time. "You're so tight!" he rasped. She told herself to close her eyes, but for some reason she couldn't. Tears obscurred her view, but she still knew.

It seemed to go on for hours until she felt something other than pain in her lower body. His cock was twitching. "Please, Celestia let this mean he's almost done!" she cried silently. She felt something warm and wet shoot inside her as he made a groaning noise. He spit on her and laughed as she cried.

                        Soarin's POV

Now the fun begins as he pulled out of her sweetie she moaned slightly as he did. He changed his position so his cock was at her mouth. "If you bite me, you will die.". He watched as tears streamed down her terrified face. It only made him want her more. He thrust himself into her mouth and began. "I'm so lucky I ran into this filly." He thought

                            Sweetie's POV

After he had finished, she could no longer think. She lie there as if dead. That's how she felt. He had untied her, threatened her, and left long ago. She could not, would not move. All Sweetie could do was cry.

After awhile, everything came into focus. Everything that happened, every moment. Something in her snapped and she got up to leave.

As she came outside, it was the dead of night. Sweetie Bell wondered aimlessly, not caring where she went. Surely everyone would hate her now. It had to have been her fault.

After hours of walking, she heard a voice. A voice she knew. Soarin. She followed it and found him. What was he doing? Talking to a young filly. Everything in Sweetie's vision went red. With all of her fury and might she flung herself at him. She screamed with all of the hate in her as she landed on him, making him cry out in shock. She sunk her teeth deep into his flesh, ripping out chunks as he tried to get her off of him.

She spit out the flesh in her mouth and went for his wing. "Somepony help!" He screamed. "How ironic. Wasn't I calling out the same thing earlier?" She spat. She tugged as his wing before she heard a pop and a scream. She grawed through the bone. "What a pretty color! The feathers will look good on my new dress." She bit off his ear.

"Got your ear!"

She slammed her hoof in his eye, making it bust and bleed.

"Eye see you!"

She ripped off his member.

"Someone's getting cocky"

She continued maiming him until he was no longer screaming. He lie still in a puddle of  blood and gore.

Sweetie huffed and puffed. She looked at hef flank somehow knowing what would be there. A cutie mark. It was the symbol for a male, covered in blood. She hummed a happy tune as she trotted away.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This was so awkward and creepy to write. Who wouldve thought Soarin would do such a thinv. As for sweetie, you'll find out how she is doing later. Next chapter: Babs!)

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