Part One: Namjoon

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It was a long day at work and Namjoon would have done anything for a small break at the factory

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It was a long day at work and Namjoon would have done anything for a small break at the factory. His eyes wandered towards the clock, waiting impatiently for his shift to be over.

15 minutes left, he sighed to himself. He continued on with his work, doing his best not to fervently throw his eyes at the clock so that the time would possibly go by quicker.

After what seemed like hours later, he sighed and ran his hands over his tired face and through his soft black hair. Working at a printing press all day can really cost you. Joon's fingers hurt, and he felt like he would fall asleep at any moment. His body revolted against him and turned toward the small clock hanging high on the wall so that no one could reach it. He watched the hands turn and click until finally it read 5 o'clock. He scrambled out of his chair and grabbed his worn jacket hanging onto the back it. The jacket was soft leather and some of it was beginning to come apart. He sighed as he picked at a loose strand but nevertheless he put it on and stomped towards the stairs that lead to the ground level and exit.

He placed his hand on the staircase ramp and turned to get one last look at the other workers before he left. You could sign up for different schedules, so many people were still standing or sitting at the press, furiously working in the hopes of maybe a day off, or just a mere break. His eyes scanned until they caught the attention of someone else. The man's hair was a soft blonde color, and once he caught Namjoon's eyes, he smiled and waved. The man was one of his friends named Jackson. Namjoon waved back at him and Jackson smiled even brighter before leaning back down to his work. Joon smiled a little before swiveling on the balls of his feet and sprinting down the stairs.


I can't stand being inside right now Namjoon thought to himself as he re-read the same sentence in his book for the third time. He stumbled off of the soft rocking chair which let out a loud groan in retaliation. He grabbed his jacket off of the kitchen table while fumbling with the door handle before it eventually gave in and the door begrudgingly flew open. There stood the ocean. The vastness of it never ceased to amaze Namjoon and he stood in the door wide eyed staring at the beauty of the rolling waves and the sound of it crashing against the sand.

The beach was empty, so he didn't have any trouble grabbing his small row boat that had been passed down to him from his mother's side of the family and pushing it into the water, making small indentations in the sand. He climbed into it and his boots slammed onto the wood with a loud thump. He ran a hand through his dark hair, already feeling the salt begin to collect there. He sighed and glanced once more at the beach before pushing off from the sand and into the cold, unforgiving water.


After a while, Namjoon's hands had grown tired from all of the rowing and from the cold air. He had been rowing for quite some time and the sun was beginning to set. He checked his watch, which shone in contrast to his dark and quiet surroundings.

6 forty-five... he turned his head and looked back towards the beach, which he could make out barely in the dense fog. I need to start heading back now, if I want to get a goodnight's sleep and be able to get up easily the morning. He let out a soft sigh and turned his row boat so that he was facing the beach. The fog was getting thicker, so it was even harder to see the soft outline of his house on the horizon. He did have a compass so that if the fog did get too thick to see, he would still be able to find his way back home.

He rowed for some distance, he wasn't sure how long, before a soft humming took the place of the sound of the waves, and the creaking of the boat. He glanced around but saw no one.

I must be going crazy, He looked around once again to make sure he didn't see anyone. But that voice, it's so beautiful

Curiosity took over him and he turned his boat towards where the voice was coming from, completely abandoning the beach. he rowed faster when the voice started to become clearer. The voice was obviously male, it was rich and velvety and had no flaws in the notes. Namjoon couldn't make out the words he was singing, but he didn't care. He HAD to see the owner of the voice. He felt like his life depended on it. His breath came in ragged gasps and his arms screaming for a break from all of the rowing, but to no avail.

The hard outline of a rock came into view some five yards away from him and the voice was as loud as it had ever been. He rowed faster, frantically trying to reach the man that he could see sitting on the rock. Finally he broke through the cloud of fog and took his first deep breath in all the time he had been rowing. He glanced around as the fog seemed to part around him. The fog was shaped like a hurricane, with a circle in the middle that everything else revolved around. That circle was the man sitting on the rock.

He looked as if he was in his mid twenties, soft gentle lines shaped his face, his lips were full and his breath made icy clouds in the air. His chest was bare and he had several long dangly golden jewelry hanging around his neck and on his ears. He wasn't looking at Namjoon, so he took all the time he could to take in the breathtaking beauty that was this man. He had light brown hair that fell just slightly over his eyes and his mouth was slightly parted as he uttered those beautiful notes. He wasn't singing loudly, but his voice resonated through Namjoon's mind. But the most memorable thing about this man was the fact that his human body stopped at his hips. Dark  green scales began just below his hips and came together to form a bright glittering tail that shone in the moonlight.

He was as beautiful as the moon.

The singing stopped abruptly and he turned to face the open mouthed man sitting in the old row boat so that  Namjoon could finally get a good look at his eyes. They seemed green for a second, and then they were a vibrant blue and then they shifted to brown just as fast. Namjoon was so fascinated with this man that all rational thoughts fled his mind. The man tilted his head slightly to the side and smirked, one side of his mouth quirking up to form a perfect line as his golden earrings and necklaces swung. He took a small intake of breath and then spoke in that same velvety voice.

"Hello. I'm Taehyung."

HAHA! I know most of you must be confused, but no, this story is not Namgi. This is a Namjin story and don't worry, I have planned this out and I know where I am going with it. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of 'Siren' and remember to be on the lookout for the next chapter coming soon. I love you all!! Talk to you soon. 💕

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