Part four: His song

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Since Namjoon had learned the secrets of the Sirens, he had known in his heart that he should not follow the voice

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Since Namjoon had learned the secrets of the Sirens, he had known in his heart that he should not follow the voice. That it didn't matter how beautiful it sounded and how much his soul begged him to go to the beautiful notes. But now he was smarter and wiser, and it was a possibility that the person the new voice lead to would not be as forgiving as Taehyung.

Nonetheless, Namjoon pushed his small rowboat back into the water with the same amount of resolve as when he had done the same action a mere couple of days ago. There was something else that pushed him to follow the voice.


It was the same voice that he had heard and seen in his dream, and if a dream had shown this siren to Namjoon, that meant that they were destined to meet. For better or for worse.


Namjoon's arms ached after the continuous struggle of rowing the oars on his rowboat over and over, pushing his stamina to the max. He refused to give up or slow down even in the least, forcing his arms to continue moving. His throat ached from the lack of water and his breath came in ragged gasps. 

His dark hair that was coated in sweat stuck to his forehead and occasionally a bead of sweat would trace a thin line down his face, giving him a brief sense of cold. The air around him was cold and the temperature was only decreasing, but his body was anything but that. The man still struck those beautiful notes, and Namjoon was not sure how far he had rowed, and how much time had passed, but he knew that he was getting closer to the sound. The fact that the sound was stronger lead him to think that, but the presence of a fog that was steadily getting thicker confirmed his suspicions. 

Another voice broke into his thoughts and he looked around curiously, momentarily stopping his rowing which caused the small boat to float and bounce back and forth on the light waves. A head popped up out of the water a small distance away from Namjoon, necklaces glinting and floating atop the water. 

Taehyung shook his hair out of his face and focused his beautiful eyes on Namjoon's face. He sighed and used his arms and strong tail to push his body onto the side of Namjoon's boat so that he could look into the sweaty males face. 

"Don't go over there." Taehyung uttered in that soft velvety voice of his and Namjoon thought of the exchange that he had seen between Jungkook and Taehyung. He wondered how Jungkook and Taehyung made their relationship work despite all of the things going on in their separate worlds. He snapped himself out of his own thoughts and stared into Taehyung's dark eyes, begging for the other to understand. 

"I can't. I have to know who that is." Namjoon was determined. And he was not going to allow a small doubt to keep him from reaching his goal. 

Taehyung's eyes dropped to rest on his hands and Namjoon could see his long thick lashes that shadowed his face and could see the small droplets of water that rested on top of them. 

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