Part two: Beauty can kill

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"Hello, I'm Taehyung

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"Hello, I'm Taehyung."

Namjoon stuttered, grasping for any words that would not make him sound stupid. Taehyung's jewelry glittered and his bracelets clinked together, creating a broken melody.

"Hello Taehyung," Namjoon managed to spit out, "I'm Namjoon."

"Ah, Nam-joo-n," Taehyung let the name roll of his tongue. "I like that. It's a pretty name."

"T-thank you..." Namjoon stuttered out. His eyes darted toward Taehyung's tail, it moved slightly under his gaze and Namjoon looked back at Taehyung who was still smiling at him.

"What are you?" Namjoon asked before he could stop himself. He mentally face palmed for being so direct and hesitantly looked up at Taehyung's eyes which had turned an unnatural blue.

"I'm a siren," Taehyung stated plainly

"A... A siren?" Namjoon was dumbfounded. He had heard of sirens before, but it had never occurred to him that they might be real. Taehyung smiled at him even wider than before, showing off his canine teeth which were sharp like an animals. They looked dangerous.

Namjoon looked away immediately, trying to force the image out of his mind. Taehyung leaned forward and his necklaces swung. He placed his hand on the side of Namjoon's face forcing him to look forward.

"Namjoon do you think I am pretty?"

"I think you are beautiful," Namjoon stated without any hesitation. "I think you are the most beautiful creature on this planet."

Taehyung's smile faltered slightly and he looked into Namjoon's eyes for a second before whispering something that he couldn't make out at first.

"You say that... but you haven't seen him."

Namjoon faltered, wondering if he had heard Taehyung correctly. "Um... What?"

"Ah nothing." Taehyung's smile immediately returned to his face. "I was just talking to myself."

Namjoon noded, he didn't want to push the subject because something about Taehyung told him not to. He opened his mouth to speak again but closed it just a second afterward. He didn't know what to say.

Taehyung's hand was still resting on the side of Namjoon's face and he didn't want to ask him to move. Taehyung scanned his face absentmindedly and lazily stroked lines across his cheek with his thumb. Namjoon shivered and Taehyung snapped out of his trance and looked at Namjoon's eyes. The mist around them thickened and he spoke again in his rich velvety voice.

"Namjoon... would you like to come with me?" Taehyung didn't blink, just stared at Namjoon's eyes.

Namjoon's mind seemed full of fog, he had been aware of his surrounding's for a little while but it was like someone had placed a thin drape over his mind. He could see, and he could control his body but it was like some invisible string was pulling him and telling him what to do, and he didn't know enough about the string to see where it was coming from and how to get rid of it.

His eyes drooped and all he could see was Taehyung's beautiful smile that seemed like it couldn't hurt a fly. Everything else around him was irrelevant. Taehyung slid down the rock until his lower body was resting in the water and the ends of his long necklaces floated on the top of it.

"Come on Namjoon," He purred, grabbing onto his hands. Namjoon couldn't help but think about how soft Taehyung's hands were. He could hear his voice and the rushing of the ocean very faintly, but the sound of the waves was getting louder. His vision sharpened slightly and he could see him smiling, showing off his canines like before?

Wait... What do sirens do again? Namjoon thought and his vision sharpened even more. He jolted when he saw how close he was to the water. His feet were wet and one of his shoes had fallen off, he could see it floating in the water a few yards away. His eyes widened as one of his limp hands sank into the water he glanced frantically at Taehyung who now hand his arms around Namjoon's waist lowering him softly into the water, still singing the beautiful song. Namjoon jolted when the realization hit him.

Sirens kill people. Namjoon flinched and Taehyung's song faltered. He glanced at the man in his arms to see him fully conscious and aware of his surroundings.

"Namjoon..." Taehyung started, trying to lure him back to sleep. While Namjoon was distracted he grabbed one of his hands and tried to force him the rest of the way off the rock.

Namjoon yelped and swung his hand at Taehyung's face. It connected with a crack and Taehyung's head jerked to the side. He let go of Namjoon which gave the older time to scramble back onto the rock. He sat there for a second gasping for air and thinking about what could have happened if he hadn't woken up.

Taehyung coughed and blood trickled down his chin. He had busted his lip, but the longer Namjoon stared at it the less blood there seemed to be until Tae wiped his chin which left a thin smear of blood. He wiped it one more time and all of the blood was washed away by the water until all that was left was his lip which was completely healed.

Tae examined his graceful hands and swept back his now wet hair. He glanced at Namjoon again but he didn't appear angry. He seemed merely amused.

"Oh well. I won't be trying to take you again. Your punches hurt." Taehyung grinned as all intensity left his body.

"What?" Namjoon asked. He was amazed that Tae would give up that easily.

"I'm going to let you go. I don't feel like fighting you." Taehyung slid away from the rock to give Namjoon some space to breathe. Namjoon was shocked that he was being let off the hook this easily.

Taehyung searched for Namjoon's boat which had floated away while they were speaking.

"Ah. Your boat floated away. I'll grab it." He ducked under the water and Namjoon watched as he swam frighteningly quickly and was at the boat within seconds, dragging it back to the rock. Namjoon stared wide eyed as Tae smiled one last time showing off his perfect features as he sank slowly into the water until only his head was left.

"I hope to see you again... Namjoon." He sank into the water leaving a few bubbles in his wake.

Then he was gone.


Namjoon sat up in his bed that night. Thinking about the encounter that he had had several hours ago. H couldn't get it out of his head that he had survived a meeting with a siren. As soon as he had arrived in a daze back on land he had headed to his local library, searching for books with any reference to sirens. He sadly couldn't find anything but he had his own experiences to rely on anyways.

He had headed back to his house defeated and had launched himself into his bed, hoping for just a wink of sleep, but it was in vain. He groaned and threw the covers off of his body. He was sweating but not from the heat. He stumbled to his kitchen looking for sleeping pills that he kept for when he had insomnia. He grabbed one and gulped it down. He sighed and hoped it would kick in soon because he had work tomorrow.

He tucked himself back under his soft but worn sheets trying to get some sleep. Eventually the sleeping pills worked and he fell into an uneasy sleep.

Wow I was STRUGGLING to write this! I tried to write this chapter at like 2 am and that did not go well lol. I felt like I hadn't updated in forever even though it had only been a couple of days. I am writing this on January 1st 2018 so happy New Year! I'm not going to publish this chapter today because I want to wait a little longer and post weekly. Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed! I love you all and have a wonderful day.


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