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Jimin pushed Hoseok's wheelchair into their dorms, and they took an elevator a few stories up to where their actual dorms were instead of other places like the kitchen, storage room— places like that. He then let go of Hoseok's wheelchair when they remained in the hallways, which lead to bathrooms and dorm doors on the left and right sides of it. "Which one is your room, hyung?"

"The second one to the right side". He says looking at him and tried to move the wheelchair on his own. Hoseok saw people on tv and movies do it so he tried to do it on his own but it was harder than it looked.

"Well, I can practice this for a while. It's hard". He says trying to move it again.

Jimin nodded, walking over to the second door on the right and holding it open for Hoseok, smiling over at him. "Yeah, I guess you can practice that while you're healing. I know this is going to be a boring few weeks or even months, but I'll try to make it fun for you, hyung," he said, waiting for Hoseok to maneuver himself inside his dorm so they could decide what they wanted to do.

"So, what do you want to do? Do you want to rest or.. do you want me to make something to eat? I can get a heating pad for your back if you lay down. The doctor said that'd help." Jimin said, crossing his arms and leaning against the door.

"Uh, I guess something to eat before I fall asleep. Just In case, I don't wake up in time for dinner." He says looking up at him. He gets in front of his bed and tries to get up on his own but doesn't get even an inch off the chair.

Despite Jimin's shortness, he was luckily really strong. He noticed Hoseok's struggle to get off of his wheelchair and he walked over to assist him. He helped lift him up and into his bed, though helped set him up so the pillows supported his back and he wouldn't be laying flat on his back while he ate. Jimin then grabbed the blankets and laid them over Hoseok's lap, almost basically tucking him in. "Do you have anything specific you want me to make, or do you not care?" he asked, grabbing the remote to the TV and setting it on his lap as well.

"Uh no nothing really specific, you can choose". He says taking the remote when he noticed it on his lap. Hoseok kinda felt bad that Jimin was doing all this for him. He didn't really like bossing someone around while he just sat. Although he did realize that he was immobile at the moment, he did still feel bad.

"Aish, I feel so bad for you, hyung. If I could, I'd switch it so I was the one to fall and hurt my back instead." Jimin huffed, since just remembering how much pain Hoseok was in earlier had the younger frowning. He ruffled Hoseok's hair a little, playing with the soft strands of his hair as well before he got his answer from him. "Okay, I'll just heat up what Jin cooked yesterday, yeah? You're probably really sleepy."

And so he took off to the kitchen which was outside the room with all their dorms. He opened the fridge to see leftovers from a Korean beef bowl Jin made them all yesterday and heated it up for Hoseok. Jimin wasn't the best cook, and he didn't have the time to test out his cooking skills for Hobi. He wanted to give him something he was sure to enjoy and that was well-cooked.

He came back to the dorm with a heated up Korean beef bowl, along with a bottle of water. Jimin didn't want to get in trouble for breaking their strict diets by giving Hoseok soda or anything. He handed them both to Hoseok. "Here you go. Do you want anything else? Don't worry about asking because I chose to take care of you, y' know."

Hoseok nodded "Thank you, Chim Chim, but I'm good with this, Thank you". He says smiling softly towards him. JHope took the bowl and smelled it happily. Picking up his chopsticks he started eating the beef bowl.

Being praised was probably one of the things that will never get old to Jimin. He sat down on the edge of Hobi's bed and had his hands folded over the top of his own lap. He didn't know where to go or what to do if Hoseok was just going to eat or sleep. For some reason, out of Jimin's habit of caring too much, he felt like what he did wasn't enough. Despite the thoughts, he didn't want to push anything. "Do you want me to stay or leave?" he asked softly, staring down at his lap shyly. He felt embarrassed to be asking so many stupid questions, but he wanted Hobi to be his happiest in a bad condition like this.

"I don't mind if you need to do something you can leave. I can call you or something if I need to" he says to him looking up to see him looking down.

"Okay. I'm going to go shower across the hall. If you need anything, just give me a holler." Jimin smiled, hopping off of the bed and making his way out of Hoseok's dorm. He went to his own and grabbed himself an oversized, black hoodie along with basketball shorts to put on after his shower. He knew that he wasn't going to leave the dorms any time soon, so he may as well get into his pajamas.

He then started up his shower and began to strip, obviously shutting the door. Jimin's hair was a bleached blonde, and personally, that was one of his favorite hair colors on himself so far. It was a random thought, but he never realized how good he looked in the color until he checked himself out in the mirror.

After Jimin finished his shower, he changed back into his pajamas and left the bathroom door open for Hoseok's sake of needing anything. Jimin was trying to think of what to do in the meantime. Without the other members and Hoseok's immobility— life was pretty boring.

Hoseok ate the food and when he was finished he set it aside. Taking one last sip of water he set the half-finished bottle of water on the side with the bowl. He then laid himself down slowly and gently until he was fully laid back and he adjusts the pillows. Closing his eyes he relaxed and slowly fell asleep.

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