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"Yes, hyung." Jimin nodded, wheeling Hoseok in his wheelchair out of the bathroom and back into his bed. He helped Hoseok back into bed, being gentle as always. He made sure Hoseok laid comfortably in his bed with the heating pad angled right beneath his back when the pain typically was. Afterward, he tucked Hoseok in a little bit and patted his head, sitting off the edge of the bed. "Do you want me to stick around or..?" "Uh just until I'm asleep". He says looking up at him. It was a little hard for him falling asleep by himself, but he always tries to.

Jimin nodded, assuming that meant more cuddling since Hoseok seemed to enjoy his cuddles. He said that his spirits were always lifted because of Jimin and his cuddles always help him relax, so that's exactly what he planned to do again.

Jimin crawled into Hoseok's bed and scooted close to his side, opening his arms so Hoseok to lay on Jimin's chest and in his arms so sleep. When their cuddling positions were settled, Jimin began to play with Hoseok's hair again. "You like my cuddles, right, hyung?" he asked, just wanting to make sure. "Yeah" he nods smiling softly as he relaxes almost instantly. "I like them a lot". He says giggling slightly.

"Do they help you sleep better? Because I'll stay with you the entire time you sleep if it really does help." Jimin smiled sweetly, finding Hoseok's little giggle cute. His hand still played with his hair while his eyes were mostly focused on the TV, which was playing a comedy. "You don't have to Chim Chim If you don't want to." He says looking up at him. "If you need to do something you can leave".  Jimin looked down at Hoseok and giggled. "I never said I didn't want to, hyung. I like being around you, anyways. I have nothing to do because my job right now is to take care of you, anyways." he said, gingerly running his small fingers through Hoseok's hair again. He tucked a few strands behind Hoseok's ear, just caressing the unnecessary strands behind them so he could see Hoseok's face better.

He nods smiling and he lays his head on Jimins chest. Hoseok closes his eyes and relaxed more. "I like your company". "I like yours, to,." Jimin spoke almost in a whisper, pulling Hoseok up a little on his chest so Jimin's chin could rest on the top of his head. "You look so cute when you're sleepy, hyung."

He blushed slightly as he felt his stomach flip. But he relaxed again and he felt he was falling asleep even though he wanted to stay awake for a while more with him.

Jimin actually fell back asleep himself after about ten minutes of just caressing his fingers through Hoseok's hair and holding him close. Again, he fell asleep with his fingers tangled through his locks and his other arm securely around him. He was very protective with the Sunshine of BTS— he was too pure to experience pain. Jimin never wanted him to experience pain, even.

Hoseok slept peacefully next to him. He barely moved when he was in Jimin's hold and touch. After it's been an hour or two JHope wakes up with his stomach growling.

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