What do we do with him?

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Jeremy's POV

I was throwing a snowball at Michael when I heard a sort of half thump half 'ploof' from a little ways away.

To be honest, me and mike were having so much fun, somebody probably could've started playing pranks on us and we would've never caught on no matter how obvious they were.

But that wasn't the case, see, I looked up. To see what the noise was then suddenly got hit in the face with a snowball. You know how that is. It's weird, you hear it before it gets too close just enough for your brain to go "What's that noise?" And you have just enough time to look over at the source of the noise to let it hit you square in the nose or forehead and give the other a headshot point.

But I sit up and instead of trying for a payback kill, I hit the white flag and stand. "Hold on!" I call to him from my space.

"Why? Are you gettin cold? Did I break your nose with that last glorious headshot, you pussy?~" He calls with a joking edge to his voice.

"No, just hold on!" I call to him, my curiosity causing me to snap at him a bit. "I saw a thing!"

"Ooo! A thing!" Michael drops his snowball and bounds over to me.

Michael and I have a way with talking to each other. I don't know if it's body language or specific words, but we can both be the most UNSPECIFIC beings on this fucking planet, yet know exactly what each other means. I guess it's just a super friend bro thing. I dunno.

I found the source of the ploof. It was a person. They- Well, he was passed out on the ground. As the source of the ploof noise I heard, he had literally just passed out. "It is a ploof." I say.

"A snow poff?~" Michael grins.

"Your fucking references. No, dude it's a person. They just kinda passed out here." I told him. I grabbed his shoulder and pulled utill he was flipped over. "Oh shit."

"What?" Michael asked. "Do you know him?"

My mouth went dry.

"Dude, he kinda looks like-"

"Keanu Reeves." We both sat at the same time.

"Is that Keanu?" Michael asked.

I shook my head. "No, Michael you are not gonna believe me. That is exactly what my SQUIP looked like. In my head."

Michael scoffed. "What. You think that's your SQUIP?"

"You can see it so obviously not, you asshole~" I said, punching his arm lightly.

Michael laughed.

"But really, dude I'm worried because that looks exactly like my SQUIP. It's just right, because it's not perfectly Keanu but very close with the same imperfections. This dude looks exactly right."

Michael contemplated. "Leave him there."


"Dude, he's caused you so many issues in the past! There's no immorality to just.... not seeing it?" Michael said.

"But what if it's not?"

"Come on, Jer. You know it's too perfect to not be."

"But then how the fuck did he get a physical body? What the fuck?" I asked.

Michael shrugged. "Upgrade?"

I sigh. "I'm not leaving him here." I said.

"Come on!~ we could like... make him into a snowman. Like in the cartoons!" Michael said. "Or just like, burry him."

"I'm not leaving him out here, Michael. That's inhuman." I said, taking ahold of his shoulders. "He's barely even wearing a coat and he's freezing. He could be dead."

"All the more reason to leave him." Michael said, yet he still grabbed the mans legs. "Where to, meistro?" He asked.


"Well you're orchestrating this whole ordeal." Michael said.

I laugh. "In my living room. I'll warm him up. I have this heated blanket I can put on him."

"You are seriously doing this." Michael said.

"It's not humane to just leave him, Michael." I said.

Michael rolls his eyes. "If he tries to make you hate me again I'll punch him in his stupid fat face."

"Fair enough." I said.

We managed to get him inside and take off the trench coat around him. That was most of the wet. We took a towel to his hair and laid him on the couch.

I plugged the blanket in and covered him with it. "There. He should start warming up in a bit." I said.

"Jeremy Heere, your heart is too big." Michael said.

"I know." I grin. "Whatever. One day it will pay me back."

"Maybe." Michael said. "I think imma head home. You should figure this whole SQUIP thing out, okay?"

"The hell do you think I'm trying to do?" I ask. "Head home. Have some coco. Think about what you've done today."

"Threw a beautiful perfect headshot and never got karma for it?~" He said with a smile.

"Watch your back, Mell~" I said, kicking his ass jokingly on his way out.

Michael laughs and leaves.

I close the door and walk over to the couch with the man.

He was awake now. He looked upset. Like he would start crying any time now. I pull off my hat and scarf. "I thought it was you." I realized it had to be my SQUIP because his eyes gave off a soft blue glow. "Why did you come back to me?" I asked. Did it want revenge?

There go the tears I knew were coming. Jesus. "Jeremy... I wanted to apologize...." he said. He sniffles and hiccups and I can't help but feel bad for him, he was probably really uncomfortable.

"Jesus, dude...." I stand up. "How long were you out there for?"

"8 hours....."

"Goddamn...... you know Michael wanted to just burry you in the snow and leave you there right? You're lucky I have a heart." I said.

"Thank you Jeremy....."

That was the first time I've heard him say anything positive to me. Especially of respect or gratitude. It was the most satisfying feeling I think I had ever had in my life. Kinda sad. But so. So. Satisfying.

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