Fucking- 4k??? Wtf?

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Uh. Thanks? HOW THE FUCK DO I RESPOND TO THIS? Do you want more fluff? Ooooo what if I just give you a quick look into the stepbrothers book I'm in progress of writing in the eyes of Kian?

What's that? I was supposed to be writing demons? PROCRASTINATION? IM NOT PROCRASTINATING.


Shut up and feed yourselves with my undying love and affection.


Kians POV

Surprisingly, it seems Jeremy's father has finally gotten over the absence of Jeremy's mother. I have learned this through a gentle analyzation of his mood and the understanding of how he is acting as of recently. According to my calculations, it almost seems to be something distracting him. Something other than Jeremy and I.

And that something (I have now figured out) is a new girlfriend.

I am unaware of her name, looks, nature, intent, or location, but, based on the behavior Hank has seemed to exude, it is a logical conclusion for me to make.

So it is time for a little investigation I am thinking.

As I approach Hank, he is making dinner. There is obviously something on his mind, as he is unaware of my presence or my approach. "Uh. Mr.Heere?" I ask, careful not to startle him while he is toying with hot instruments.

He looks up with a smile. "What's going on, Kian?" He asked.

"It just... it seems like your a lot happier than normal, I was wondering about you're mood and what could be causing it. Is it a possibility you could be seeing somebody?"

Hanks eyebrows raise and he bites his lip. "Sh. Don't say anything to Jeremy okay? I want it to be a surprise. I'll tell you two what's going on at the table today." He said, then pats me on the head, something im not too fond of as it messes with the work I do on my hair each morning, I'm not a computer anymore and my hair doesn't stay put the way it use to. "Okay." I tell him, trying to re-place my hair to its original stance yet finding it hard to accomplish without a reflection.

I walk over to the table and sit down. Eating has of lately become some what of a chore. A delicious chore, I will add, but the need for food is becoming a problem I don't necessarily like until I have the food in front of me. Even then, sometimes the food isn't fantastic. It's the reason Jeremy, Michael, and I now basically make whatever we eat so we know that we like it.

When Hank had finished making dinner, he calls Jeremy downstairs to eat and I keep my mouth shut. I respect Hank and the things he does, especially since he had allowed me to live with him and Jeremy, so I will also respect his wishes to keep quiet about the new lover so Hank may tell Jeremy himself.

Shortly after dishing up the food and after we begin to eat, sure enough, Hank starts to figure out how to approach the conversation.

"So, Jeremy, there something I need to chat with you and Kian about." He said.

Jeremy looks up from his meal. "Huh? Oh god, what's going on? Are we moving? Please for the love of god tell me we're not moving. Dad, look at kian's baby face." He squishes my cheeks together. "Does This look like a face who would be able to take a move? It would destroy his heart."

"Jeremy, I am trying to eat." I said softly.

Jeremy let's go with a chuckle. "But seriously, please tell me we're not moving."

"We're not moving." Hank said.

Jeremy let's out a relived sigh. "Thank god."

"I met somebody at the mall the other day while picking up some stuff for Kians room."

"You did?" Jeremy asked.

Hank nodded. "She was super nice, she helped me bring everything out to my car because she noticed that I was having trouble."

"Huh?" Jeremy thinks for a second then gasps. "OHHHHH."

Hank chuckles. "We talked for a little while and she gave me her number..."

"DADS OVER HER!" Jeremy cries out with a laugh.

"Jeremy Heere! Sit down and listen!" Hank said.


"We've been seeing each other for the last couple weeks now and she's decided she wants to let the relationship deepen...."


"I have a girlfriend." He said.

"NICE! Who is She?" Jeremy asked.

"Her name is Heidi, she lives on the other side of town near the apple orchard and a'lamode." He said.

"That's a decent way out." Jeremy said.

"Sure, but who cares. I got gas, I can make it." He said with a smile.

"That's Morlaix"

"Hhhhhhhhh, d-damnit Jeremy." I said, feeling my cheeks heat up. French. French on Jeremy's tongue. French BELONGS on Jeremy's tongue. It's such a beautiful language, flawless as it flows from one word to the next. The accent so pure I would set my chip to use it more often but Jeremy doesn't want me to instead he just sits there and tEASES ME WITH IT.

Jeremy chuckles. "She got any kids?"

"She has one, I met him once but apparently he has really really bad anxiety, so meeting people is kinda hard for him."

"Oh. How old is he?"

"He's a year younger than you, he's in his senior year."

I smile. Jeremy's always wanted a baby brother to take care of. He's never had that opportunity before. I think this will be very good for him. I am, as well, excited for this new adventure. Meeting new faces and getting to know a possible new part of the family. I like that idea.

I'm sure Jeremy can't wait.

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