What does a Mountain Dew?(You're welcome)

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Jeremy's POV

It's a weird thing, curiosity is. It strikes at really odd moments.

Moments like these.

I was with Kian and my dad at the store. I had told my dad about Kian a long while ago and he took it pretty sweetly. I was surprised. But I think I chalked it down to the fact that he always wanted like 15 kids so when mom only wanted one (me) it disappointed my dad. That why he likes it when I hold meetings in our house or bring over friends.

So for my dad it was a miracle when I came up to him and said "Dad, this is Kian. He has no parents, no home, and no food or life or school. Can he stay with us for like.... ever?"

He made the usual dad move like "Jeremy, where did he come from?" "Jeremy, was he a homeless person?" And whatnot.

But I gave him vague information, and now we're out getting food and stuff.

And Kian is looking at assorted cheeses,  (He L O V E S cheese. I have no clue why.) pulling out a few thousand at a time.

"Kian! Pick like... three. Okay?" I call.

His face contorts to disappointment. "Only three?"

"Why do you need so many?" I ask with a laugh.

"There are so many different kinds!" He said, looking at the stack with wonder.

"Four. And we'll get more later." My dad said.

Kian grins. "Okay." He picks out four and puts them into the cart.

"Jeremy, what are you up to?" My dad asks.

Back to the curiosity thing I said before. I'm in the drink isle. Staring at the Mountain Dew shelf.

I see red, (they totally brought it back into the shelf's, unfortunately to Kian) Origenal, and blue. There's also blackout.

But voltage is my favorite. It also made me curious on what the other types of Mountain Due will cause what on Kian.

So I grabbed three different kinds. Regular, voltage, and blackout. I shoved them in the cart.

Kian looked at one of them and started to panic. "What did I do?" He said franticly.


"The black! What did I do? Do you not love me anymore? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry...." He Astarte panicking. "I don't want to die..." he said.

"Woah, easy. I was just curious..." I said, putting the black one back.

"Okay, before you end up destroying my software or causing a glitch, we need to have a chat about the Mountain Dews." He said.

I sigh. "Fine."

"Green activates me. It's a nice refresher. Red deactivates me in the most painful way imaginable-"


He nods. "Never drink the red one... if you wanted to get rid of me, Black is the peaceful one... it doesn't hurt and it will not just deactivate me, it destroys me when I can't feel it. Like taking an overdose of sleeping pills..." he said.


"Uh. On a lighter note, the orange ones are a healthy sense of euphoria. Like relaxation~" he said with a smile. "We should also get a few of those..." he mumbles with a smile. "Uh. T-the blue ones... it's hard to explain." He said.

"Alright! Then we'll get a green one, an orange one, and a blue one."

"Two orange ones?"

"Two orange ones."

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