All I Want For Christmas Is You (VMin)

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Christmas was only days away and Taehyun had been busy with work. Retail wasn't exactly the most stunning job in the world, but when you were a 20 year old college student, you didn't really have much choice. You had to have something that was flexible with your schedule and retail worked out well.

He couldn't stand the idea of working in a restaurant and coming home smelling like old food. He gave major props to his friend Jin who was working as a Sous Chef at one of the nicer restaurants in town, but it definitely wasn't for him.

His shift had ended and he was headed home to his apartment that he shared with his boyfriend, Jimin. Their relationship had gone through its fair share of ups and downs, but Jimin was more than just his boyfriend, he was Taehyung's best friend. He was his everything and this was their first Christmas as a real couple.

They had been friends with benefits for several years, best friends since they were in high school and things just slowly bloomed in to more. He certainly wasn't going to complain, he couldn't see his life without Jimin in it, that much was for certain.

He was proud to call himself Jimin's boyfriend and their friends were glad that they finally swallowed their pride and finally got together. Taehyung couldn't say that he blamed them, they had all felt that way about Jin and Namjoon and they were now going on three years together. Taehyung couldn't wait until that was himself and Jimin.

He decided to stop on his way home and pick up a few last minute gifts for Jimin. He had picked up several things already and they had promised not to spend too much money on one another, but he couldn't help it. Christmas was his favorite time of the year. There was just something about it that always put him in an extra special mood. It probably had something to do with the fact that his birthday was only five days after, but that was neither here-nor-there at the moment.

Taehyung stopped at one of their favorite stores, poking his head in and grabbing a few things before paying and getting back in to his car to head home. His long, slender fingers tapped on the steering wheel as he sang along with the Christmas songs that were playing eloquently over the radio. Taehyung's voice was deep, but he could still sing very well and he could carry a tune or two. Not as well as Jimin, but the other boy had studied dance and music his entire four years of college.

Pulling up to the relatively decent apartment community, he parked his car in his designated spot and got out and popped the trunk of the car. He put the bag of gifts in the trunk, where he had all of Jimin's other presents hidden. It was the only safe place to hide them because his boyfriend had a terrible habit of snooping and always ruined surprises for himself.

Closing the trunk of the car, he twirled his keys around his index finger and stuffed his other hand in the front pocket of his jeans. He made his way to the front of the building, pressing in his passcode as the door opened and he headed upstairs to the third floor. Some days he really hated being on the third floor, but he always assumed it could be worse. They could be on the fifth floor and his legs ached just thinking about that.

His perfect brows knitted together hearing something on the other side of the apartment door. Taehyung found the key to the apartment and unlocked the door, walking in and locking it behind himself as he turned the corner to the living room.

There stood his boyfriend singing his heart out to Mariah Carey's version of "All I Want For Christmas Is You". Taehyung's eyes widened at the sight, he was caught off guard by his boyfriend's off-pitch singing and dancing around the living room happily. A smile spread over his handsome features and he stood back, his arms folding over his chest as he watched - Jimin still not realizing that he was there yet.

The shorter man bopped around and his eyes grew wide seeing his tall, slender and incredibly handsome boyfriend watching him with an amused look on his face. Jimin's smile didn't falter, nor did his singing as he just sang louder and pointed at Taehyung with each word that he sang.

The raven haired man grabbed the remote and jumped onto the couch dramatically as he crooned to the music blaring over the speakers, his gray sweatpants gripping to his muscular thighs and his voice breaking slightly as he tried to hit the same notes as Mariah. He obviously wasn't trying, Taehyung knew that much was for sure, because he'd heard Jimin hit some pretty high notes before.

Once the song ended, Jimin jumped off the couch and smiled brightly at him, "Welcome home, baby." He laughed, a little out of breath after his little performance.

Taehyung licked his lips and tilted his head to the side, "Having fun without me?" Tae asked cheekily as the shorter man walked over to him and wrapped his arms around him.

"Not that much fun..." Jimin wrinkled his nose and shook his head.

"You're a fool, you know that, Jiminnie-ah." Taehyung chuckled deeply and raised his hands to Jimin's cheeks. He leaned in and kissed his lips softly. "An adorable one, but a fool nonetheless." Tae teased him, giving his boyfriend a loving hug.

"You didn't like me serenading, TaeTae?" Jimin pouted, pulling away from his boyfriend's embrace.

"Oh no, I loved it." Tae stated as he looked around the living room. "What were you up to, anyway?" He asked curiously seeing the wrapping paper and tape that littered the front area.

"Oh nothing..." Jimin grinned brightly, moving to pick up the mess he had made in their living room.

"Last minute Christmas wrapping?" Taehyung arched a brow curiously and walked towards the kitchen to grab something to drink.

"Me? No way... You were bad this year... you're on the naughty list, Santa isn't coming." Jimin stated as he put everything away in the hall closet.

"I was not!" Tae scoffed, his long fingers wrapped around a water bottle as he retrieved it from the fridge. Removing the cap, he took a long swig and looked back to his boyfriend. "But that's okay..." Tae lifted a shoulder and put his drink down. "Because..." He did a little dance, "All I want for Christmas is youuuuuuuuu!" He sang completely off-key and in his deep voice.

Jimin burst in to a fit of laughter and shook his head, crossing the room to his boyfriend and shaking his head, "Now who's the fool?"

"Only for you, Jiminnie, only for you."


Words: 1161

** So, this is my first attempt at writing fanfiction after a looooooong long hiatus.  Hopefully it's not too awful.   If you have something you'd like to request, I'm completely open to request, as they actually motivate me and give me ideas.  This idea was taken from a prompt website.  =D  ** 

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