Burning Up (NamJin)

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A cough left his body and he felt like his lungs were going to concave and like his throat was going to release fire with how badly it burned. It had been a long time since he had felt this bad. Normally, he kept very good care of himself, he had to wrangling six youngers all the time, but somehow this thing had snuck up and bit him in the ass.

Her heard rustling from outside of his room and a head poked in as he stayed tightly under his covers, feeling a chill run throughout his body. His dark brown gaze fell on the last member of the Hyung Line and he gave a small, pathetic smile.

"Hyung, are you okay?"

"No, I feel like I'm dying..." The oldest of the seven members of BTS groaned, pulling the covers over his head with what little energy he had left.

Concerned etched its way across the Leader's face as he opened the door and crossed the room to the older man. He pulled the covers from his hyung's face and used the back of his hand to touch against his forehead.

"Aish! Hyung! You're burning up!" The blonde stated, his eyes widening in surprise at how warm the older man felt to his touch.

"I just want to sleep, Joonie..." The dark haired man mumbled and pulled the covers closer to him.

"Let me go get a thermometer and some tylenol, maybe we can break your fever, hyung." The worried leader stated as he headed out of Jin's room.

On his way he tripped the rug that was sprawled out in the middle of the room and landed with a loud thud in the middle of the room. Jin groaned and opened one eye, straining to see the leader of BTS laying on his belly with a pained expression on his face.

"Joonie..." Jin sighed and went to push himself out of bed to take care of the younger.

"No!" The man held up his hand, not looking at the oldest member. "I'm fine, hyung, I just tripped. I got it... let me take care of you..." The blonde pushed himself off of the floor. He took a moment to gather himself and headed out of the room to find the items that he had spoke about previously.

Another sigh left Jin's lips as he glanced at the open door and slowly closed his eyes. He was the caretaker of the group - the oldest - he saw it as his responsibility to take care of everyone, not the other way around. Though, his body ached and his head was spinning a bit from how quickly he had moved.

Maybe he would just rest for a bit.

He hadn't realized he dozed off when he felt a hand on his shoulder shaking him awake. The faint sound of someone saying his name over and over again pulled him out of his stupor. Jin blinked a few times, one hand coming up to swat at the foreign hand that didn't belong to him.

"Jinnie hyung, lets take your temperature... we need to see how bad it is..." The leader stated as he thrusted a thermometer in to Jin's handsome face.

"Aigooo~ Namjoon-ah... its not that bad." Jin insisted as he pushed the thermometer away from his face.

"Just do it for me, hyung... please..." The blonde pouted at the older man. Jin let out a sigh and opened his mouth as Namjoon shoved the thermometer between his lips.

"Ow..." Jin made a face and looked at Namjoon like he had just assaulted him.

Namjoon cringed, "Sorry," He apologized with a slight shrug.

Jin rolled his eyes and laid his head back as he waited for the stick in his mouth to read his temperature. He let out a heavy sigh when it beeps, indicating that it had finished. Namjoon quickly snatched it out of his mouth before Jin could even get his hand off of the bed.

"102! Hyung, that's pretty high..." Namjoon stated as he looked down at the older man. He could tell just by the look on Jin's face that he didn't feel good and it wasn't something that he was trying to hide, but Jin didn't really like to make the others take care of him - that was his job, to take care of them. "Let me take care of you today... I'll send the others off..." The leader insisted.

"Namjoonie its okay...don't worry about it. I"m okay." Jin stated waving his hand.

"No you're really not. Stop being stubborn and let one of us take care of you for once." The blonde stated firmly.

Jin sighed and just shook his head, when Namjoon had his mind made up about something - there was no turning back. He watched as the man stood up and headed back out of the room, almost tripping over the same rug he had tripped over earlier. Namjoon had to be one of the clumsiest people that Jin knew and honestly, it frightened him a little bit how bad he would be if the other six members weren't around to put things back together or catch him before he ate concrete.

He let out a little chuckle at the thought and it quickly slipped out of his mind when Namjoon came back into the room with a glass of water in one hand and the other holding out two tablets. He thrusted them towards his hyung, "Here, take these!" Namjoon stated as he moved too quickly and the water in the glass spilled over the edge and on to not only Jin, but his comforter and bed as well.

Jin let out a loud groan, "Joonie~" He whined.

"I'm sorry, hyung!" The blonde stated in a rushed voice, moving to rip the covers off of the tall, lean man that was hiding underneath it. He put the glass of water down and stared at Jin with wide eyes.

"What are you doing? Trying to kill me? I know you want to be the visual... but that's my job." Jin whined, trying to make a joke through his slight annoyance. He knew that the younger meant well, but he just wanted to sleep - that was it.

"I was just trying to help, Jinnie..." Namjoon stated, the corners of his mouth dipping in to a frown as he let go over the comforter in his hand.

"I know, I know... it's fine..." Jin waved a hand and sat up slowly, putting a hand to his head. He waved the free one at Namjoon to give him the tablets, taking them back quickly. Keeping his eyes closed he found the glass of water on his nightstand and swallowed the tablets with a gulp of water.

"You can sleep in my bed, hyung. I'll wash all of this stuff..." Namjoon stated as he gave a slight nod of his head.

"Okay." Jin didn't want to argue. He just wanted to lay down and go back to sleep. Namjoon smiled as the frown quickly left his face. He wrapped his arm around Jin's waist and helped him up, taking some of his weight and helping him to the bedroom that belonged to him.

They made their way down the hall and after a slight turn around a corner, they were in the doorway of Namjoon's room. It was covered in Ryan plushies and it was a little hectic, but Jin didn't really care at this point. He just wanted to rest.

The leader of Bangtan slowly helped lower Jin in to his bed and covered him up. He fluffed the pillow under his head and put his hand to Jin's forehead, his brows furrowing together in dissatisfaction.

"I thought it might go down by now..." Namjoon pouted.

"It's only been a couple minutes, Joon. Give it some time to kick in... just let me rest, please?" Jin mumbled as he pulled Namjoon's covers up to his chin.

"Okay, I'm sorry, hyung... I'll just be in the other room if you need me. Call for me." Namjoon stated as he quickly exited his room, closing the door partially behind him.

The blonde went back in to Jin's bedroom and stripped the bed and quickly walked towards the laundry. He glanced at the sheets and the blanket and shoved them in to the washer, not bothering to look inside. He grabbed the detergent off of the shelf and poured some in to the machine and set the timer on it and walked away.

He was proud of himself. He was taking care of some of the household stuff that he didn't normally get to do - being the leader of Bangtan gave him a lot of other responsibilities, but today his main focus was taking care of Jin.

Namjoon spent a little time doing what Jin normally did, cleaning the kitchen and putting the dishes away - even though he had no Earthly idea where half of the stuff went, or even what half of the stuff was. He figured that it was the effort that counted in this particular case. Jin was a bit of a stickler for his kitchen, but Namjoon didn't want him worrying about anything.

He had sent the rest of the group to rehearsals and told them to not come back until much later as Jin wasn't feeling well. He didn't get much flack from anyone, except Yoongi, who wanted to stay behind and sleep, too. The leader wasn't having any of that and pointed for Jungkook to lead the second eldest member of BTS out of the dorm.

It was nice to be the leader.

Namjoon was starting to get a little hungry. Normally he would order take away, but he figured that JIn would want something easier for his stomach. The blonde decided to make some basic ramen - or attempt to. As everyone knew, he wasn't exactly the best cook in Bangtan. His skills in the kitchen were incredibly limited, but how hard would it be to cook some ramen for one of the biggest parts of his life.

Bangtan was everything to him and Namjoon always tried to do certain things to show his appreciation for every single member of the group. His goal was to be the best leader that he could be for his team. They were the reason that he was here. The members and ARMY. A smile formed on his lips as he started the ramen and he glanced at the clock, his eyes widening, not realizing he had gone so long without checking on Jin.

Namjoon padded back to his bedroom and poked his head in to his room. Jin was curled up on his side comfortably and snoring lightly. Namjoon smiled to himself and crept in to the room, but ended up banging his foot on the edge of the bed. A course of heat raged through his body as the pain shot from his toe all the way through his leg.

"Shit!" He yelled loudly and grabbed his foot, nearly falling on top of Jin and scaring the older man awake.

"What the hell!?" Jin asked, his head dizzy from the sudden jolt of being awake. He groaned and rubbed his face. "Namjoon-ah?"

"Sorry, hyung..." Namjoon groaned as he held his foot, biting down on his bottom lip to hold his whimper in. Stubbing his toe on his bed had really hurt.

A small smile formed on Jin's face and he shook his head slightly, letting the dizzy spell fall away. "Are you okay?" He asked, pushing the covers from his body.

"No! Yes... I mean I'm fine... you stay in bed... lay back down." The blonde stated as he put his hand on Jin's leg and assured him that he was okay.

"Joonie..." Jin started and the blonde leader waved his hand.

"No, I'm good... I'm just a klutz..." The man took a moment to collect himself and let out a low groan as he put his throbbing foot back on the ground, turning his head to look at the eldest member. "How are you feeling, hyung?" He questioned.

Jin shrugged a shoulder, "Not any worse, but not much better?" He offered.

Namjoon raised his hand to his forehead and let out a little sigh, "You don't seem nearly as hot as you were before." He murmured.

"Oh, gee thanks, Joon." Jin snickered, a small smirk on his lips at his own playfulness.

"You know what I meant." The blonde laughed and shook his head at his older bandmate.

Jin opened his mouth to say something when he smelled something not very familiar to him. It took him a moment to realize what the smell was, "Joon... is something... burning?" He asked, his eyes wide at the realization.

"Oh shit!" Namjoon jumped up from his spot on the bed and rushed out of the bedroom, through the hall and in to the kitchen. He let out a loud, audible to Jin groan. The older man heard a bit of banging and cursing coming from the leader and shook his head, a slight smile on his face.

A few moments later, a sulking Namjoon came back into the room. "I was trying to make you ramen for lunch..." He stated, his tone defeated.

"I'm not really that hungry, anyway... but I could use a cuddle buddy..." Jin stated, glancing down at the bed.

Namjoon looked at his older for a moment and a small smile formed on the blonde's lips. He gave a slight nod of his head and crawled into his own bed with the oldest member. Namjoon wrapped his arm around Jin and the older man got comfortable.

He would probably be pissed as hell once he was feeling better about the disaster he was sure was waiting for him in his kitchen, but he didn't mind that right now. All he cared about was the fact that Namjoon had tried to make him feel better and had really put in the effort to take care of him - even if it hadn't gone exactly as planned. Jin was thankful that he had a best friend, bandmate and partner like Kim Namjoon - there was no one better.


Words:  2364

xxx Who doesn't love a little NamJin fluff? xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2018 ⏰

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