f(x) - JiKook

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The weather outside was awful. The snow was falling and covering every inch of the ground. As much as Jimin enjoyed the sight of the snow, he didn't like the nip in the air that left his round nose red - making him look an awful lot like the famous reindeer.

He was relatively new to the school, as his family had just moved him from Busan to Seoul less than a month ago. It was awful timing, right before the holidays. So, instead of enjoying his winter vacation like most kids his age, he was busy packing, moving and then unpacking. Christmas certainly was not all it was cracked up to be this year.

Nevertheless, a new city meant a new school. He was still adjusting and hadn't really met any people, except for the few girls that had squealed in his direction about how dreamy he was. Jimin appreciated their kind words, but he wasn't exactly into girls. He had known he was gay for a long time, not that he broadcasted it to everyone or anything.

He was sitting alone in the cafeteria, his gaze flitting from one table to the next and assessing the different groups and cliques that littered the usual high school scene. He never really fit in one particular group as he loved many different things: sports, dance, singing, theater. He had many talents, but he wasn't sure where he would fit in here.

The lunch period seemed to fly by and before he knew it kids were quickly getting up and grabbing their things and heading out of the large cafe. Jimin tossed his tray out and slung his dark blue bookbag over his shoulder. He was walking by a table when he noticed a tall, relatively muscular boy getting up from the table, laughing with one of his friends and heading for the door.

Jimin's dark gaze landed on the book that had been sitting next to the boy. He had forgotten it. Jimin quickly scooped it up in to his small hands and quickened his pace to catch up with the taller boy, "Hey, you forgot your-" He cut himself off when the boy was out of sight.

He let out a soft sigh and blew his bangs from his face. The boy had been cute, something that Jimin didn't say often. Mostly because he was incredibly picky. Either way, he tucked the book under his arm and headed to class, not wanting to be late.

Sitting in his Theater class, he slipped the math book out of his bag where he had stored it away safely. His small fingers slowly slipped over the cover and gripped the edge, pulling the book open. On the first page was a drawing that caught Jimin off guard. It was so realistic looking and detail oriented. Whoever this kid was, he had a lot of talent - even if it was just defacing school property.

Jimin slowly fingered through the pages and seeing small sketches and even cartoons drawn on the margin of the book. He couldn't hide the chuckle that left his lips as he read through the comic that the boy had drawn. It was comical, to say the very least. Jimin didn't even know this boy's name and he was already smitten.

It was probably not the best idea, simply because Jimin didn't know whether or not this boy even liked boys or if he liked girls. Regardless, it didn't really matter. He knew for a fact that he didn't have any classes with him and it wasn't like he would really get to see him again, except for at lunch.

He closed the book and slipped it back into his bookbag, sitting up slightly to pay closer attention to what was going on at the front of the class. They were acting out a part of Romeo and Juliet and Jimin couldn't help but roll his eyes slightly. As much as he enjoyed Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet was overdone and would rather do something else. He forced himself to pay attention throughout the remainder of class, however, trying to rid himself of any thoughts of the mystery boy.

The bell rang and he quickly picked up his belongings and dashed out of the classroom as quickly as he could. There was exactly eight minutes between classes and that gave him a few extra to try and locate the boy that this book belonged to. It seemed that the longer he was holding on to it, the less he could really think straight.

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