The Velvet Box

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Two years. You had been a couple for two whole years. It didn't seem like a lot, but when you were dating a member of one of the biggest boy bands in the world, two years was like an eternity. There was so much against you, but you prevailed.

You were happy. Happier than you had ever been in your entire life. Everything about the two of you just worked. His personality was everything. He was so much more than what he showed the public. There were so many layers to the beautiful man that you called yours.

You were insanely lucky.

How he had settled with you, you questioned yourself on the daily, but he quickly shooed all of those negative and insecure thoughts out of your head as soon as he looked at you with all the love in his eyes. There was no way anyone could fake that. Just the way his eyes gleamed when he looked at you and the corners of his lips perked up in to an instant smile showing off those amazingly white and straight teeth of his.

And you loved him just as much. As soon as he walked into your apartment, your entire existence just made completely and utter sense. It probably sounded dumb to some people, but when you met him, he had pulled you out of one of the biggest depressions you had ever been in. Your life hadn't been perfect, but stumbling upon Jung Hoseok changed everything for you.

The moment that you literally bumped into him on the streets of Seoul; that smile, those eyes and that voice just perked you up right away. You both had been so apologetic and he had offered to buy you a new coffee; the one you had been drinking ended up half on you and half on the ground. You insisted that it wasn't necessary, but he took you by the arm and brought you right back into the coffee shop to buy you a new one.

This had been before the global phenomenon that was BTS, sure you had heard their music a time or two from friends, but you had to admit you were never really that into music. Of course, that all changed once you had started dating Hoseok. Nevertheless, when you bumped in to him, you had no idea who he was, he was just a really nice guy that had bumped in to you and bought you a new coffee.

You spoke to each other briefly, exchanging names and the basic information. He didn't let it out of the bag that he was an entertainer right then and there, but could you really blame him? You didn't. He simply said he was a dancer and at the time you were finishing up your English degree. That had intrigued him and he asked you a half a dozen questions before your coffee was served and as you took the coffee you went to thank him and part ways, but he insisted to walk you where ever it was you were going, even though he had been going in the complete opposite way.

You didn't know why at the time, but you had accepted his offer. Normally, you wouldn't have done something so risky, but there was just something about him that seemed so trustworthy and two and a half years later and here you were. The two of you were inseparable when he was free and even when he wasn't, he had you at practices and recordings, as much as your schedules allowed it.

When you were in love, you made time for each other - even when it seemed impossible.

Things were going incredibly well for them so far this year. Everything that was BTS exploded and you were so incredibly happy for them. Finally, all of their hardwork and dedication was paying off ten fold and you couldn't have been happier for Hoseok and the rest of Bangtan.

You were currently working for a major Magazine in Seoul, but also going to school for your Masters degree in English. You were hoping to work your way up the ladder and make something of yourself, but one step at a time. You were happy and content with where you were in your career and you certainly had no complaints about your love life either.

Christmas was a Holiday that was either hit or miss, depending on the Bangton schedule. This year they had a performance and he had promised to come over once they were done doing their scheduled events. You weren't picky, you always took what you could get from him and you made the absolute most of the time that you had together.

Hoseok had spent the night previously, even though he knew you had to get up early to drive to your parents' house for your Christmas morning tradition. However, he had a key so he could let himself out and lock up so he could go to prepare for their schedule that day. You hadn't thought anything of it, to be perfectly honest, it was just like another day to you. You had left before him more times than you could count.

Arriving home, you opened the door absently, a bag in one hand full of presents from your parents and another bag that had unopened presents from your parents to Hoseok. Even they absolutely adored him, but who didn't? Hoseok was incredibly lovable.

You managed to get inside of your apartment, closing the door with the heel of your knee-length black boots and put the bags down next to the table where you discarded your keys and sunglasses. Raking your fingers through your jet black hair, you walked in to the main part of the house and you stopped when something caught your eye.

There was an enormous box, you assumed, wrapped in the middle of your living room and dining room area. Your furniture was pushed out of the way and the box was ridiculous large. It was nearly as tall as you and it was about the same in width.

"What the hell..." You trailed off in bewilderment.

You certainly wouldn't have missed this, this morning. Hoseok had to of done it before he left that day. You both had agreed on only getting each other ONE present this year. Leave it to him to do something incredibly outlandish like this. You could not even fathom what this could possibly be. You honestly hadn't even asked him for anything, because you weren't the type to do so.

"What have you done, Jung Hoseok?" You asked out loud as you shimmied around the large present and moved to turn the TV.

Even though you were in absolute shock, you still weren't going to miss his performance. It would be YoonGi's first time actually being at this particular event and you had watched a practice or two and anticipated what they had prepared.

You sat and watched, but your eyes continued to linger over to the large gift that was sitting in the middle of your apartment. You had a million questions, but he wasn't there yet to answer a single one of them. You had sent him a text message, but knew that he would be far too busy to even think about answering it.

Their performance was amazing, which you had expected it to be just that. They always performed with their whole heart and put everything on the table. BTS had a lot to say and you were standing right behind them supporting every single step that they made. It was exactly what you did as a girlfriend and the others would be right there with you - and you knew that much.

Your phone dinged not long after and you received a text message back from Hoseok telling you that he would be over in less than a few hours. You didn't know if you could wait that long staring at the large box that was invading your personal space. It really put your small gift under the tree to shame, but it wasn't about the size or the cost of a gift. It was about the thought that was behind it.

The next few hours slowly ticked by and you found everything and anything to occupy yourself with. You decided to order yourselves some takeout for when he got to your place, incase he was hungry. You, on the other hand, couldn't eat a thing, because all you could think about was the huge box that was sitting there with your name on it.

The front door rattled and you could hear the key going in and the lock clicking. You hurriedly made your way to the front room from the kitchen and a large smile drew itself on your face at the sight before you. The beautiful man that had turned your life upside down came in to the living room.

"Jagiya!" He exclaimed brightly, his arms opening wide as you all but ran right into his arms. "Merry Christmas!" Hoseok's arms wrapped around you tightly and you held him tight for a few long beats.

You had spoken a few times earlier and wished each other a Merry Christmas and told one another that you loved each other, but there was nothing quite like having it in person. You leaned in and pressed your lips to his softly.

"Merry Christmas!" You answered back, pulling away from him slowly. "Your performance was amazing, like always." You told him, just being honest - like you always were.

"We had a lot of fun with it... how was your day? How was your parents'?" Hoseok knew how difficult it could be for you to visit your parents after everything you had been through, but he always made it easier.

"It was good. They told me to tell you hello and they sent home some gifts for you." You nod to the bag by the table and he smiled.

"Did they like their present we picked out for them?" He inquired as he walked in, unwrapping himself out of his winter coat and scarf.

"Of course, they told me to tell you to stop buying such expensive gifts."

"And they'd call me cheap if I didn't..." Hoseok chuckled softly and glanced around the room, acting as if the large present to your left and his right was completely normal.

"Are you going to explain... this." You ask pointing to the large monstrosity that was beside the two of you.

Hoseok walked over to the large present and propped his elbow up on it, "Oh what, this ol' thing?" He inquired that infectious smile on his face causing you to grin like an idiot.

"Yes, exactly that..."

"It's your Christmas present." He told you, matter-of-factly.

"Oh really? I hadn't noticed that, Hoseok." You rolled your eyes at him playfully.

"Are you ready to open it?" He inquired, giving you the cutest and happiest face that you've ever seen. He always knew exactly what to do to make you happy.

"I just want to know how the heck you got this thing in here... and when you had the time." You state as she walked over to it, slipping your fingers over the wrapping paper.

"When you love someone... you make the time." Hoseok said, leaning in to press his lips to yours softly. "Please... open it." He stepped back from it and a satisfied smile fell on to his handsome face.

"Hobi, you just got home... I can wait." You told him, stubbornly.

"You might be able to, even though I know that's a flat out lie... but even if you could, I can't... open!" He instructed, waving his hands at the large present.

You let out a playful and exaggerated sigh before gliding a finger over the lip of the wrapping paper. Slowly, you give it a tear and then glance over your shoulder at him. Hoseok stood there his hands clasped together and a giddy grin on his face. You weren't sure what to expect but continued to tear the paper off of the box.

The large box stared at you as you got all of the wrapping paper off of it, but there were no markings on the box to give you any clue as to what it was. You licked your lips and saw that it wasn't taped up at the top, just folded in on itself. You pull the tabs up and that's when you noticed a slightly smaller box, wrapped inside of the box.

You pursed your lips together and glared over your shoulder at him again. He looked even more amused now. You tore the wrapping paper off of the next box and again it was the same thing. Hoseok was laughing giddily behind you and you let out a sigh.

"You are the absolute worst!" You declared and gave him a pout.

"Awh, where is your sense of humor, Angel?" He asked, using your nickname he had given you. He claimed that you were an Angel sent from above, but you begged to differ, thinking it was the complete and utter opposite. He was your Angel.

Regardless, you continued to go through the boxes and the wrapping paper until your fingers were ready to bleed, "I am going to get you. Just wait until your birthday..." You murmured as you got to a much smaller box.

You pulled it out of the other boxes and sat down on the ground, putting the box in your lap. You ripped the wrapping paper off and unfolded the tabs on the box. You peered inside and instead of seeing more wrapping paper a black velvet box was in the bottom of this box

You hadn't noticed but when you were opening the box, Hoseok had moved to kneel in front of you and he took the velvet box out of the last box and looked at you. Your heart immediately started to pound as soon as it laid eyes on the black velvet box. The meticulous job he had done of wrapping all the boxes and the show that he had put on for you. Realization slapped you right in the face and you felt a familiar sting behind your nose.

"Angel..." His voice lowered slightly and you felt like someone had just knocked the wind out of you. You looked up at him with wide eyes. "I love you more and more every single day that I am with you..." He confessed and slowly opened the velvet box to show a beautiful diamond ring inside of it. "Would you do me the honor of being my wife?"

You felt like you were watching a movie right before your eyes. The way his make-up free face showed all of his emotions, the laughing and teasing from earlier had sufficed. The man before you wasn't JHope of BTS, it was Jung Hoseok. It was the boy that had nearly plowed you over in the streets of Seoul two and a half years ago and bought you a new coffee. He was on his knees and asking you to spend the rest of your life with him.

The emotions that washed over you made your eyes tear up and before you could control what they did, they were slipping down your cheeks. Your head nodded vigorously and you couldn't even find the words to say to him. Instead, you let your hands cup his handsome face and your lips found his.

Hoseok pulled away slightly, his cheeks stained with not only his own tears - but yours as well. "Can I take that as a yes?" He questioned, using the sleeve of his white and black striped shirt to wipe at your tears and then his own.

"Yes, of course!" You proclaimed as he smiled at you. He took a moment and pulled the ring out of the box and grabbed your hand, slipping the cold piece of jewelry onto your finger. He glanced down at it and looked up at her with a sweet smile.

"Perfect fit..." He grinned, leaning in to kiss you one last time.


Words:  2699

**  Another little drabble I got from a Prompt Blog.  I saw the prompt and I said to myself... I can see Hoseok's extra ass doing something like this.  So here we go. 

Also, I don't normally write in second person, but found that it was more suitable for this Hoseok/OC type drabble.   If there are any mistakes in the pronouns, my bad.  (=

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