~Chapter 2~

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Daniel's PoV

I awoke the next morning with David still sleeping next to me. I smiled as i gently kissed his sleeping cheek, and got out of bed. I went and took a shoer, brushing my teeth and putting on a fresh change of clothes before i went downstairs and thought it might be nice to make breakfast this morning for everyone.

I got the ingredients for french toast and eggs, throwing everything together as i quietly turned my phone on low and listened to music while i did so. I hummed along with the tune, and by the time i was done, it was only around eleven. Since it was the weekend, it wasn't a surprise that Max was sleeping in because of school. As for David, i was surprised he wasn't up by now. He was normally up and perky by eight or nine.

I washed my hands clean of any sticky batter or butter and made my way back up stairs to go check on David. Sure enough, he was buried under a mound of blankets, the only thing visible being his arm and a small bit of his hair. I couldn't help but laugh as i made my way over to him, gently taking his hand in mine and rubbing it a little bit as i sat beside him.

"David," i cooed, "are you gonna get up? I made your favorite." I heard him groan something before he retracted his hand under the blanket and poked his head out, yawning before putting his head on his pillow.

"OkAy...I'Ll bE dOwN In a SeCOnD," he said, his voice coming out in a big rasp. I felt my eyes widen, a bit taken aback by the sound that had came out of his mouth as it sounded nothing like David at all. Looking closer i noticed that his nose and cheeks were very red, but the rest of him looked rather pale. His breathing was a off and he let out a small sniffle as i looked down at him.

"David, honey are you sick?" i asked, putting a hand to his head. He relaxed at the coldness of my hands and smiled a little bit.

"YoUR sO CoLd," he rasped out. I hushed him gently, rubbing his cheek lightly with my thumb.

"Baby your running a fever," i said quietly. He shook his head, turning on his side and cuddling more into the blankets.

"DaNiEL i'lL Be fINe iT's jUSt a LiTTlE caSe Of ThE- t-THe-" he stopped, covering his face to let out a sneeze and groaning afterwards, "SnIfFLeS," he finished. I rolled my eyes.

"David your temparture is through the roof and you look really pale. I think it's a little more than just a case of the sniffles," i said. He lightly sniffled again and i heard him let out a small sigh. I chuckled, kissing his head and standing. "I'll bring you your breakfast and some medicine okay?" i asked quietly. He smiled, humming in response.

"OkaY, ThaNK yOu DaNnY," he replied. I walked out of the room, heading downstairs where the french toast awaited to be put on a plate. I got a plate ready for David, putting a peice of french toast on it and a bit of eggs on the side. I got him a glass of orange juice since i knwe milk probably wasn't good for him right now and began to carry them upstairs. I entered the room again, finding David sitting up in bed reading. I smiled as i went and sat next to him.

"I'm glad your enjoying your book but shouldn't you be getting rest too?" i asked, raising an eyebrow. He grinned at me sheepishy, making me laugh. "Here, i brought you breakfast," i said, making my way over to his side of the bed and setting the food and drink on the bed side table. He smiled a little, looking up at me with big green eyes.

"ThAnK yOU," he rasped out again. I felt myself almost grimace at the sound, making my heart almost break knowing how sick he was.

"Your welcome Davey, but maybe you should take it easy on your voice for a bit alright?" i said, brushing his hair back with my hand. He nodded, taking a drink of the orange juice and coughing a little bit as he pulled away. I shook my head. "It's almost noon, Max should be getting up. I'm gonna go get his plate ready too. When i come back i'll bring you some medicine," i said. He nodded again and i left the room once more, going back downstairs to make a plate for Max. As if on que the second i set the plate down, Max made his way down the flight of stairs, rubbing his eyes.

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