Chapter 1

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Tobias's POV

I walk back to my house with Tris and try to sneak her upstairs.  I will not have my mom embarrass me.

"Hey sweety!" Busted...

"Hi mom."

"This must be the girl you were talking about."

Tris starts to blush. I stand there embarrassed by my mom again.

"Hi, my name is Tris."

They shake hands and I lead her upstairs. My sister Maddy comes running towards me.

"Hiyo! I is Maddy! I is Toby's sisser. I wike new peeple!"

"Hi, I am Tris. I will be living with you for a little while... Right Toby!?" She is mocking my sister's nickname for me.

"Right... Trissy!"

She glares at me while I laugh at her and smirk.

"Toby!? When we watin movie?"

"Later, I have to show Tris around. We will all watch a movue later... Right Trissy?"

She glares at me. I smirk and keep walking. She follows me to my room. I pick her up and run to the guest room.

"Ahhhhh! Put me down... Toby!"

"Ok... If you say so..."

I throw her on the bed and run downstairs.  I tell my mom that I am hiding from Tris and she helps me.

"Toby!!! Where are you?" She sounds like she is in danger so I run back upstairs.

Maddy and Tris spray me with water and then run outside. I pretend to fall down the stairs and they run back inside and walk towards me.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I yell and grab them both. I put them in the guest room and lock the door.

I soon here them pounding on the door and I run.

"Toby. Wits dawrk. I nweed hewp." I hear Maddy say.

(Translation... Toby. It's dark.  I need help.)

"Fine." I open the door and run expecting a trick. They walk out and go to the kitchen for a snack.

"Do you have any fruit?" Tris asks.

"No,  but we have applesauce."

"That will have to do."

I grab the applesauce and hand it to her.


"No prob cutie."

She blushes and looks away. I really like her. I like her grey-blue eyes. Her blonde wavy hair. Her perfect body. I love... HER!

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks and I snap back into reality. I look away embarrassed and she laughs.

"If you like me... just say it." She says randomly.

"I don't like you." She looks upset.

"I haven't finished... I don't like you, I love you. I am in love with you."

She blushes. I can't say that I am lying. I really do love her. I wish she loved me too.

"I love you too!" She shouts and jumps in my arms.

"Awwww!" My mom says while walking in. I blush and glare at her.

She gets the hint and leaves. We watch the movie Cinderella. Maddy and Tris fall asleep on the couch.

Tomorrow will be fun. I will ask Tris to be my girlfriend.  I will ask her on the way to school.

I drift off to sleep and dream about Tris and I being together.  I can't wait until tomorrow! ♥

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