Chapter 13

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I walk with Tobias to Zeke's party. I will be needing a safety suit. I know I will be hugged... A LOT.

I walk in behind Tobias. I don't like hugs...

As if right on cue Christina runs up and gives me a huge hug.

"Can't... Breathe..." I try to say.

"Sorry... I missed you! And whoever that fricking driver who ran you over was... I am gonna kill 'em!"

"Christina calm down! I ran in front of the car, it was my fault."

"What! Oh... Lets go party to get our minds off this..." She says.

I peck Tobias on the cheek and walked off with Christina.

"Everyone who isnt in my group leave.. NOW!" Zeke yells.

I start to head out the door. Then Uriah grabbed my arm.

"You are part of his group. You didnt lose your memory right!?"

"I dont think so..."

"Ok, everybody in a circle." Zeke yells again.

I sit next to Christina and Marlene.

The people that are here... Lynn, Marlene, Shauna, Christina, Will, Uriah, Zeke, Tobias, and me.

This outta be good. I know what we are doing. Truth or Dare... Great, just great! I think... Sarcasm included.

I sit there waiting for someone to speak.

"Ok, I wanna go first!" Uriah shouts.

Oh my gosh that kid is annoying! Why am I friends with him exactly?

"Fine." Zeke says.

"Tris! Truth or Dare!?"

Crap! Not me! Why me!?

"Umm... Truth... And I swear if you call me a pansycake, I will burn your inside and turn you into soup for everyone to eat!"

"Ok ok! Umm..."

He gets an evil smirk. This cant be good.

"Do you love Tobias and would you EVER marry him?"

I blush a deep red. Umm... What do I say!

"Yes... Yes I would."

Everyone laughs at me and Tobias and says we are perfect together.

"Ok... Christina, Truth or Dare?"


Bad choice. I smirk as she suddenly realizes what she has done.

"I dare you to... Play seven minutes in heaven with..."

I add a long pause as she gets more and more worried.

"Will." I say simply.

They both freeze. I know they like eachother. Everybody knows. Even if I had been in a coma for a year.

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