Chapter 4

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Trevor was supposed to fly out tonight. I don't think I've been this anxious in my life. He would be here in the morning so I cleaned to whole house. Hell, I cleaned the cleaning products. By the time I finished I was starving. I ordered pizza and managed to find some money in my wallet. I wasn't rich but I had some money to pay the bills and feed myself. I passed the time by watching some stupid sci-fi movie about giant alien spiders when the doorbell rang. I grabbed the pizza money and opened the door.

I gave the pizza man his money and he slowly handed me my pizza. I noticed his eyes rake over my body so I snatched the pizza and closed the door. What a douche.

I fell asleep hoping not to have another nightmare.

I awoke to my alarm clock screaming at me. I managed to sleep restfully and peacefully for once. I got up and went to turn on the shower. My face glowed and there were no bags under my eyes. I smiled a huge smile as I remembered Trevor should be home.

"Trevor!" I shouted running to his room. It was untouched. I ran to the kitchen. Nothing moved. I looked through the window and I didn't see a jeep. He wasn't home. I moped back into my room and threw on a sweatshirt and some jeans and walked out the door. I headed towards my car and I was so close to it when I fell on my ass.

"God. Dammit." I hissed

I hate this stupid weather. I got in my car and of course it wouldn't start.

"Fuck!" I screamed hitting the steering wheel.

I was going to be late for sure. I got out and started walking. I made my way around the corner when a car pulled up.

"Need a ride?" Harry asked. I nodded and jumped into his car. The warmth flooded my body and my numb hands came back to life.

"How are you?" Harry asked

"Been better"

"What's up?"

"Nothing important" I said and looked out the window. I was pissed that Trevor wasn't home but terrified that something went wrong and he died.

"My brother was supposed to be home by now" I blurted

"From where?"

"Afghanistan" I could feel the tears coming on. I bit my lip and hoped that they wouldn't spill.

"Oh. Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, I'm just worried" I said

"I would be too" he looked apologetically

"Thanks for the ride" I smiled

"You have a beautiful smile."

"Thank you" I could feel my cheeks go hot

"Would you want to um, go out this weekend or something?" Harry asked. He ran his hand through his hair and looked nervous.

"Yeah sounds cool" I said and smiled again

"Great" He smiled so big that his eyes shut. He had the cutest dimples and the most dazzling smile. His hair stuck up in random places and he used a bandana to hold some of it back. I smiled because I was happy. I was finally happy, almost. I still needed Trevor.

We got out of the car and Harry surprised me when he grabbed my hand. We walked together and I could feel eyes on me. Harry was human and I was not. I had to remember that to these pricks, I wasn't like them.

The day went by slowly but I had Harry to hold me together. Harry met me after class and we walked out together.

"How was your day?" he asked

"Not bad, you?"

"Infuriating. My teachers wouldn't shut up." he smiled. Oh, I loved that smile. We walked out into the car lot together laughing. I looked up.

"Trevor!" I screamed. I dropped my bag and ran towards him. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. Tears flowed from my eyes and all I could think about was that he was here. With me. Alive.

"I missed you so much" I breathed

"I missed you too, sis"

"You're strong now!" I laughed. He lifted me like I was weightless and he looked double the size of when he left.

"You've gotten taller, sis" he said and tousled my hair. "Who's this?" he asked and motioned his head towards Harry.

"That's Harry. Harry, this is Trevor" Trevor shook Harry's hand and held his gaze for a minute. Then he looked to me.

"Let's go home" he smiled

Trevor's eyes went wide when he walked through the door.

"It's so clean" he said and his jaw was practically dragging on the floor.

"Yeah, it's dirty when it's not clean" I joked.

We ordered pizza and I was relieved when the other pizza guy wasn't here. Harry and Trevor drank beers together and laughed and I smiled and took in the beauty of the situation. I had Trevor back and I had a friend. A real friend. I snapped back to reality when Harry's hand slammed down on the table.

"What?" he asked. He looked so angry. His face was bright red and he was fuming. I looked at Trevor and his head was held low as he stared at the floor.

" I have to leave tomorrow."

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