Chapter 6

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I went to get my coffee and the stupid machine broke. I tried pressing all of the buttons but nothing came out. I was frustrated and tears blurred my vision. I screamed and threw my mug at the wall, causing it to shatter. Harry raced down the stairs and looked at me, worriedly.


"He's gone." I whispered and slumped to the ground.

Harry started walking towards me and I quickly got up and ran to the garden. Memories came flooding to my brain as I walked through. My mom and I used to walk through here when my father worked. I walked over to the rose bush I planted after she died. I stroked its delicate petals and sobbed. Harry's strong arms wrapped around my waist and he turned me around so I could cry on his shoulder.

I eventually stopped crying and Harry carried me inside. He pulled me on his lap on the couch and I fell asleep on his chest.

Harry left around midnight and I was no longer tired. I wanted relief from my pain. Trevor left me and I had to face the world alone. I had Harry but I knew he wouldn't stick around for very long. I went into the liquor cabinet and downed a bottle of rum. My head buzzed and warmth flooded my body. I sat on the couch and picked up my phone. I dialed Harry absentmindedly and a tired girl answered.

"Hello?" she asked. I hung up and bit my lip. Harry had a girlfriend? i was so hurt. How could I be so stupid to think he liked me. I called again.

"Hello?" she asked sounding annoyed. I heard Harry in the background.

"Gemma who is it?" I turned the phone off and grabbed my keys. Cold, salty tears flooded my face. I ran to my car, slipping in the process. I was too broken to care. I had no clue where I was going but knowing me and my dark thoughts I decided to go out. The car swerved rapidly as I pulled out of the driveway. My phone buzzed and I ignored it. It buzzed again. As I reached down to get it, I ran a red light at the intersection. The impact caused me to lurch forward, hitting the steering wheel with my head.

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