About Me

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Hello ! :) Before I take you with me on the this long & diverse journey, let me introduce myself & my family. I am Malsha Sri Mewan Vithanage. I am currently 18 years young. I am the son of Mr.Jagath & Mrs.Nixita, I have a small sister who I think is an Aphrodite. She is currently 5 years young. I was born back here in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. However, my nationality is Sri Lankan. I am currently in a gap year, and will head out to university next year to proceed in Biotechnology/Biomedical Science & then hoping to start-up on doing Medicine to become a doctor ofcourse :).........Okay, okay, I know, I know, you might be thinking that's a lot ! or maybe being like .....okaaayyy..... or might even react differently. Even though I am not able to see your current reaction, I will be taking all of them happily ! :)

I started & concluded my education ( elementary, middle, high ) in beloved Sri Lankan International School Jeddah ( SLISJ ). Since I spoke about my lovely school, I would like to thank the Founder, Chairman along with the Board of Management, Principals & Staff Members, Teachers for nurturing & educating all the students & myself to make us who we are currently & to be in the future.

Coming back onto myself, I love indulging myself in playing cricket, which my dad taught me since I was 4 years young. I do love listening to music on any sort of genre. I started to practice playing guitar when I was around 13 years young but that intention slowly drowned into the bottom of the ocean like the gorgeous, gigantic Titanic eventually did. However, that drowned beauty was brought up to life once again all thanks to a person who I met in my life in 2016 who probably unintentionally made me to motivate myself & pull-out that beauty, there-on I started playing guitar once again. There are quite a lot of people along side with that person who in/unintentionally played a huge role to make who I am now. I would like to take this moment to soul-heartedly thank all of them. Stay safe & happy everyone !

OKAY !...... That's ''quite a lot'' about me, or...may be ''a lot''. Without further ado, let's begin travelling together in the journey of time & a lot more which will blend in. Here we go.




Oh! Oh! Wait!... One last thing, fasten your seat belts ! ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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