Chapter 1

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Tao walked down the street, trying to ignore the hateful comments being shouted at him from across the street. He clutched his chest as he kept his gaze down, he felt the words slowly getting to him, he picked up his pace and closed his eyes slightly before he bumped into someone and fell.

"Watch it you fag" They spat harshly and gave him a small kick before walking off. Tao let a tear fall down his face before getting up and running as fast as he could to the nearest shop. He entered a small cafe and immediately ran to the bath and locked the door, he slid down the wall and put his hands over his face and let out a groan before breaking down into tears. Tao clutched the cold piece of metal that was located in his pocket as he cried, he whimpered quietly and wiped his face with his sleeve before he took the blade out of his pocket. He glared at the shiny metal.

Why does everyone hate me?

Why am I such a fag?

Why can't I just leave?!

He thought to himself, just as he was about to slide the blade across his wrist someone knocked on the door, he had subconsciously been crying a tad too loud.

"Hey bud, you okay?" said a soft voice from the other side of the door. Tao quickly shoved the shiny metal into his pocket and cleaned himself up before swinging the door open to face a very handsome, tall man. Tao made eye contact, and for the first time in awhile, he felt safe.

"U-uh yeah" Tao said blushing tremendously. The tall, handsome man gently touched Tao's shoulder and proceeded into the small bathroom. Tao stood there in disbelief for a few seconds before slowly walking out of the cafe and heading to home, which was an old run down apartment that his drunken mother somehow found a way to pay for.

Tao kept his glare down as he entered the beaten up apartment. He was instantly greeted by the stench of alcohol and cigarette smoke. He crinkled up his nose as he put his hood down, wiping his mouth a bit with his sleeve.

"Mother? I'm home.." He muttered barely audible, not getting a response. He sighed to himself as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a musky glass, turning on the faucet and getting some water, he brought the cup to his lips and took a sip as he looked around, he noticed his totally wasted mother laying on the couch, a bottle of whisky hanging loosely on her hand, dripping slowly onto the carpet. Tao took the bottle out of his mother's hand and placed it on the broken, dusty table that was scattered with cigarette buds and beer bottles. He turned on the lamp that was by the TV acrossed the room and sat next to her on the couch.

" hungry?" Tao asked awkwardly, not making eye contact at all with his mother.

Tao's mother shook her head, she tried to say something but it all came out as a slur. Tao rolled his eyes and stood up. He bit his lip and walked into the kitchen, he grabbed a bowl from the cupboards and looked through his pantry. He prepared himself a bowl of cereal, sitting at the broken table and proceeded to eat it. Tao quickly eat the food and then stumbled to his room. He layed on his back on the bed, imagining the handsome, tall man that he met at the cafe earlier today. He closed his eyes and tried to recall all of his features, which was easy, and replayed the moment over and over again inside his head. A small smile appeared on his face, but it quickly ended knowing that he will never see him again. He sat up with his usual emotion, sadness. He walked down stairs and sneaked a cigarette from his mother, which was simple since she was half asleep. He headed back upstairs and open his window and looked at the street below. He grabbed the matches, which he hid under his mattress for times like this when he needed to escape. He lit the cigarette and inhaled deeply while closing his eyes. He coughed a bit and went in again. He watched the smoke escape out of the window and watched it dance across the broken dull sky. He flicked the cigarette ashes out of the window and sat on the floor hugging his knees, thinking about the tall, handsome man that made him feel safe for the first time in forever.

Warm sunlight peered into through the window, Tao had fallen asleep on the floor, the burnt cigarette bud laying next to him as he snored softly. He was shivered slightly as cold morning air blew in through the window. Tao, not seeming to be getting up anytime soon stayed where he was.

"Tao! Get your ass down here!!" A voice called from downstairs. Steps could be heard as his mother stomped up the stairs. She rushed into his room and glared at the boy sound asleep on the floor. Her eyes landed on the bud and she scowled. "That little bastard.." She mumbled to herself as she walked up to Tao and nudged him with her foot. Tao sat up quickly and met the eyes of his obviously pissed mother.

"You bastard, stand up now!" she said with a stern voice, Tao stood up as quickly as he could, the obvious smoke smell still on his breath, as he spoke,

"What are you talking about?" Tao said trying to pull it off as if he didn't know what she was gonna say.

"You took one of my damn cigarettes!" she yelled while not breaking any contact she could with his eyes. Tao looked down and rubbed his neck and tried to play it cool, his mother gently shoved him out of the way and could see, on the floor, the missing cigarette she has been talking about. She roughly slapped Taos arm repeatedly, Tao backed up slowly, keeping his hands in front of his face for protection. She picked up the cigarette and threw it out the window and swung the door open with anger and stomped down the stairs, he could hear her slam a beer bottle on the counter and the noise of air being released when the cap gets popped up. Tao stood in disbelief then slowly got dressed. He put on his black jacket, which was run down since he had worn it so much, it had turned a somewhat brown color. He exited out of the small rundown apartment and fast walked to yet another judgemental place.

Tao groaned quietly to himself as he walked onto campus, people were already staring at him and snickering. A group of guys approached him, one started making kissy noises and getting in his face.

"Oh Tao~ I love you, I'm a gay boy just like you!" The boy mocked, all his friends laughing, Tao just shoved the boy away and continued walking. "Ew! It touched me!" The boy said and ran past Tao, making sure to bump him, causing him to stagger forward, catching himself before he fell. Tao sighed and clenched his fists tightly.

"Oh look, someone's getting angry" Someone said from behind him, snickering. He grabbed Tao's bag and shoved it onto the ground, going through it. He pulled everything out of it and smirked at Tao who shoved him backwards.

"L-leave me alone!" He said angrily, the boy getting up and throwing a punch to Tao's face, causing him to freeze and put his hand on his cheek. Suddenly a man appeared.

"Both of you, after school detention." He said sternly and glared at the boy who had punched Tao. "Get to class. Now" He said, Tao grabbing his bag and putting his stuff in it, his cheek red. Tao grabbed his cheek and was trying not to focus on the pain that his jaw was in, and continued walking. He opened the doors to the school and he got a feeling of regret in his stomach when he saw all the people.

Why did I come in today? Tao thought to himself as he proceeded into the crowded hallway. He tried not to notice the girls behind him obviously talking about him, He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and out, he opened his eyes again, he saw the guy from outside that punched him, he stopped dead in his path, trying not to get noticed, he quickly turned the corner and fastly walked to his locker. He got his things then rushed straight to the bathroom then pushed open a bathroom stall. The bell rang for everyone to get to class, as the bathroom cleared he sat in the stall not wanting to go to class. Tao spent most of his time in the bathroom, only participating in art. Soon school was over and he was extremely relieved, until he realised he had an after school detention. He sighed to himself and grabbed his bag before making it to the detention room. He awkwardly walked in and looked around. Soon all the people that had detentions arrived, he took a seat in the back by himself. After several hours of short lectures and hours of silent, he, and everyone in that room were allowed to leave. He exits the room and walked down the hallway so he could be the first one out. He fastly walks out of the campus.It was dark, and the sounds of crickets and frogs surounded him as he took a calm walk home, but in the distance, there was a bulky man standing under a street light a few yards in front of him, he felt uncomfortable but continues anyways. He felt eyes on him, he looked down trying to ignore the feeling, thoughts popped in his head.

Why is he looking at me?

Is he gonna attack me?

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