Chapter 2

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Tao continued to walk towards the man, his eyes darting from side to side. He couldn't take the feeling anymore and decided to run for it, he ran out into the non busy street to run past the guy, but the guy bolted towards the kid and dragged him into an ally. Tao let out an inhuman screech before the man put his sweaty hands over his mouth. Tao was kicking and punching dramatically, the man pushing Tao to the ground, kicking him repeatedly in the side. Tao was crying uncontrollably. The man shoved his bandana into Tao's mouth to try and mute the cries the boy was making. The man called over two other men, while the two men punched and kicked Tao, the man searched through Tao's bag, he took all Tao's money and credit cards. The man kicked Tao once more in the gut before running off. Tao curls up into a ball and cries, he hurts, everywhere, when he breaths it feels as if he is getting stabbed in the sides and the back of this ribs. His thighs and waist are covered with bruises and he is bleeding from somewhere on his face, the tears are finding their way to every open wound on his face, and it stings. He sits up with caution then scoots over to the brick wall, he touches his back, he gasped loudly, he clenched his teeth together and let out a loud groan. He could hear footsteps coming and he covered his mouth with his hand, and closed his eyes tightly and he felt the tears roll down his face, he let out a tiny squeak on accident.

"Hello?" said a familiar voice, Tao eyes shot open, and he squeezed his jacket sleeve.

"Is anyone out here?" the voice said with caution but sympathetically. Tao recognized the voice but he was still to in shock to say anything. Tao tried to let out a noise, but just another squeak slipped out. The man quickly entered the alley where Tao was, and immediately stopped, he stared at Tao for a few seconds before he kneeled down and reached cautiously towards Tao face. The man's hand slowly caressed Tao's cheek and down to his chin, he lifts Taos face towards him, the man looked deeply into Tao's eyes before clearing his voice,

"What happened?" the man said with complete concern. Tao moved his hand up to touch the man's arm.

"I-i was walking back fr-from school an-and this guy dragged me into the alley and his buddies b-beat me up as the other man took my money" Tao panicky stated while crying. The man in front of him rubbed his own bottom lip with his thumb, he stood up and set his arm out, gesturing for the small injured boy to stand up. Tao weakly stood up, he stumbled forward, accidently falling into the other boys arms.

"Whats your name" the man asked while pretty much carrying the smaller boy.

"T-Tao..." he stuttered out.

"I'm Kris" the tall, handsome boy said before giving a small smile and trying to hid his face because he was blushing. Kris took Tao to the bench across the street and set him down. Tao sluggishly sat himself up, trying not to set his back on the bench to hard. Kris sat himself next to Tao then pulled the him closer. Kris wrapped his arm around Taos shoulder.

'"Where do you live?" Kris said, motioning his hand up and down on Tao's arm. Tao sat in silence for a second before answering his question

"Just two blocks over" Tao whispered. Kris positioned his body to where he could pick Tao up without hurting him. He picked Tao up bridal style and began to walk. Tao set his head into the older boy's chest, listening to his heartbeat, it calmed, he closed his eyes and let his imagination take over. Kris gently squeezed Tao leg.

"Is this it?" Kris asked looking down at Tao

"Yes, I think so" Tao said, gently getting set down. Kris nervously looked at Tao

"Do you need help with anything, cleaning up? or..." Kris said wanting so badly not to leave the smaller boy's side. Tao let out a small giggle.

"I might need help" Tao said blushing. Kris looked down at the pavement and smiled. Tao opened the door to the apartment, a heavy smell of smoke bursted in his face. Tao grabbed Kris's hand and lead him up to his bedroom, not even acknowledging his mother, who was,yet again, drunk on the couch. Tao limped across the living room to get to the stairs, Kris had his hand around Tao waist, trying to support him up the stairs. Once in his bedroom, Kris helped Tao over to the bed, where, Tao laid down. Kris went to the bathroom, which was right outside his bedroom. He came back with cotton balls, hydrogen peroxide, and a wet washcloth. He helped Tao sit up and move to the end of the bed, Kris moved his desk chair and sat in front of the younger boy, he looked into Kris's eyes, and he looked back.

"um..thanks" Tao said smiling and blushing. Kris let out a small giggle and looked down.

"My pleasure" Kris smiled. He moved the wet washcloth up to Taos face, and cleaned up the blood. Tao looked up and into Kris's eyes and smiled, they held eye contact for a couple seconds before Kris broke it off.

"I should probably clean the cuts out on your face" Kris said awkwardly and bit his lip, and reached for the peroxide. He tilted the bottle onto an angle and wet down the cotton ball, he dapped it on an open cut next to Tao's eye. The sound of the TV from downstairs echoed throughout the small apartment. The moonlight shined through his window as Kris cleans out Taos cut and bruised face.

"There you go" Kris said throwing away the cotton balls. Tao nodded and stood up. Kris walked over to him and looked into his eyes, he slowly moved his hand to his shoulder and gently moved it down his arm to his hand. Tao looked at his hands and back to Kris, who was smiling. The moonlight lit up the left side of Taos face and it was obvious that he was blushing. Kris moved right hand up and placed it on Tao's cheek, he leaned it and gently pecked Tao on his lips. Kris then quickly back up

"I'm sorry" Kris said before jolting out of his bedroom and out of the apartment.

"No, wait, please" Tao panicky said, but he was to late. Tao went over to his window and watched as Kris ran off into an alley down the street, not once looking back. The empty streets below never looked sad, he waited by the window for awhile, just incase he saw the tall, handsome man...Kris...

Tao moved over to his bed and laid down, not wanting to move, all he wanted was to rest his head on the older boy's chest, and sleep, he wanted to feel safe and not constantly scared,

Why did he kiss me and run off?

Did I do something wrong?

Tao thought to himself. Tao didn't understand this feeling he had towards the older boy, but whatever it was, he didn't want it to leave. He rolled over on his side gently and closed his eyes. Sleep.

Tao woke up the next morning with a major headache. He rolled over to where he could see the window, he got up and looked outside, and not to his surprise, Kris was not there. Tao started to moved his chair that belonged at his deck. As he approached his desk, he saw there was a note on his desk, it read

Dear Tao,

Sorry I ran off like that, don't take it personally, I don't know what went over me last night, and i'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable in anyway. I would like to see you again, and if you want to talk, meet me at the cafe at 12:30, today.

Yours truly,


Tao smiled, and carefully folded it neatly, then put it in his pocket. He looked at the clock, it read 12:03. Tao took off the close he slept in, which was his school uniform and his favorite black jacket, that was now covered in blood. He grabbed a clean pair of black sweat pants and a oversized tshirt that he found in his closet. He walked down the stairs as quietly as he could, and grabbed some money out of the jar on top of the fridge, which was apparently was a saving jar for him to go to college. As he headed for the broken door, he watched his mother, making sure she didn't see him leaving. He opened the paint chipped door and quietly shut it behind him. Tao took a deep breath, and looked towards the direction of the Cafe.

Sunshine(EXO/Taoris/Boyxboy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن