My Blood, Sweat and Tears 피 땀 눈물

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It was a cold night, and the moon was shining brightly in the twilight sky. Below, a figure  stumbled in the dark, and when the neon and streetlights flickered it gave the boy an eerie silhouette. He gazed at the midnight sky, his dark eyes dazzled brightly, he then looked down blankly at his hands, as if he expected to see blood. He shoved his hands into his pockets swiftly and began to walk at a quickened pace, like something behind him was chasing him. He continued to walk for a bit, in what seemed like a ghost town and sat down on a park bench that sat idly next to the broken swings and listened to the swing creak and the chain clatter as the wind blew. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a pair of vintage spectacles with broken lenses, which were embellished with intricate gold designs. He investigated them, looking carefully. Then sighed as he placed them back into the pocket of his blue jacket.
He placed his head on the cold bench, placing one arm underneath his head, and then drifted away into a deep sleep.

It was now morning, he woke up suddenly as he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. He jumped up in confusion and rubbed his eyes tiredly, as he tried to focus his vision. "Hi I'm Jungkook, nice to meet you" he laughed as he looked at Taehyung's baffled expression. "oh, I apologise for waking you, I just thought you'd like to go somewhere warmer instead, since this isn't the nicest of places right?" he smiled brightly. Taehyung remained silent and followed Jungkook as they walked into a nearby café.
The door chimed as they walked through, and the warm air of the
café hit their faces.
"Would you like anything in particular or?" Jungkook asked  as he approached the counter.
"Um, no i'll just get whatever.." Tae replied with whatever smile he could muster. Tae then sat by the window and looked at the cars as they passed by, to distract him temporarily from his confusion. Jungkook returned with a smile bright as ever, and placed a cup of steaming coffee in front of him. "Thank you very much, I really appreciate it" Tae replied in gratitude. "oh it's not a problem" Jungkook smiled and  waved it off. "So... where are you from? I don't think I've seen you here before?" Jungkook asked politely. Taehyung paused for a bit before answering. "oh em...from the city" he lied in order to prevent confusion. Taehyung was really unsure himself, but he pushed his thoughts aside. "oh I see! I haven't been to the city in a while actually" Jungkook replied, and as he smiled, Taehyung felt as if they were friends for years.
Taehyung immediately dismissed his thoughts and stood up hurriedly. "Thank you for everything, but I have to leave now" Tae said in an urgent tone. "Wait..wait why?" Jungkook said with a puzzled and worried expression as he followed Taehyung out the door. Taehyung continued to walked onward, Jungkook followed and reached out to grab his jacket with a firm grip. "Hey!" Jungkook shouted in order to get his attention. Taehyung stopped walking and turned around in annoyance. "I said-"
"Look I don't know your circumstances, but if there's something bothering you I can try to help" Jungkook said genuinely.
Taehyung sighed as he lowered his head in defeat.
"... I don't know if you'll believe me or not, but I.. I honestly don't know how I got here" Taehyung admitted, he kept his head lowered, afraid to see his reaction.
"Why don't I show you my friends?" Jungkook said softly, trying to lighten the conversation.
Taehyung nodded and mustered
whatever smile he could, but his eyes were deeply troubled and pained.
They walked down some narrow streets, Taehyung following behind him, his eyes looking at the cracked gray pavement below his feet, staring sadly at the droplets of rain as they dotted the pavement. The sky above was gray, the pavement, the houses, the park.. everything such a dull, bland, lifeless gray.

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