Monochrome World

26 0 2

We approached a tall apartment block, that's lights glowed a warm yellow on the inside, in contrast to the cold gray bricks.
It was raining much heavier now and the rain trinkled down Jungkook's pale face, which made his skin glisten brightly as he moved. The street was tinted with a beautiful orange hue, due to reflection of the streetlights above. They walked in, drying their feet on the door mat, and the warm, comforting air filled their lungs. Jungkook took off his rain drenched jacket and hung it on the wooden rack swiftly.
He then gestured towards Tae, and Tae did the same, hanging his jacket on the rack.
"Thank you" Tae smiled genuinely.
"Don't worry about it" Jungkook laughed lightly, as they walked towards the kitchen.
"Hey!" Jungkook said brightly as he walked in, Tae followed behind him awkwardly, rubbing his cold hands.
Someone sat in the corner, with a laptop propped up on their lap, he seemed busy.
"Oh hey, Jungkook and...?" he looked up in confusion as he saw Tae.
"Oh I'm Taehyung... Nice to meet you" Tae smiled awkwardly, unsure of what to anticipate.
"He's a friend.." Jungkook quickly interjected.
"Oh well, I'm Yoongi nice to meet yah" he smiled brightly, while he placed his black headphones around his neck.
"Where are the others?" Jungkook asked him as he sat down beside Yoongi.
"Shopping I think.." Yoongi shrugged unknowingly.
"Oh, I'm sure they will be back soon judging from the weather" Jungkook said plainly as he gestured towards the window.
Taehyung remained silent, unsure of what to say. He was deeply confused by everything but he pushed his thoughts aside.
"So em...Taehyung do you wanna stay for tonight?" Jungkook said breaking the unbearable silence.
"I really don't wanna cause any-"
"Sure just stay, it's not gonna bother any of us" Yoongi laughed as he stood up and closed his laptop over.
"em.. Thank you guys" Taehyung nodded in gratitude.
"No problem!" Yoongi shouted as he walked into the next room.
"Don't be like that!" Jungkook laughed as he put one arm over Taehyung's shoulders.
"Just treat us, as if you've known us for years.. " Jungkook smiled.
Taehyung's smile fell, his heart pounded in his chest as he heard those words. His head began to spin, his vision blurred. He held his head in pain. Jungkook immediately noticed.
"Hey...hey" Jungkook said gently, as he gripped Taehyung tighter in case he fell. Jungkook sat Tae down on the chair carefully, then began to search for medication.
Yoongi walked back in, when he heard all the commotion.
"Do you know where the pain relief medicine is?" Jungkook asked Yoongi cutting him off.
"Oh.. uh yeah" Yoongi replied as he walked towards the cabinet, reaching to the back of the shelf.
Taehyung rested his head on the table, with his hands clenched on his lap.
"Here.." Jungkook said, handing him a glass of water and the tablets. His eyes worried.
"They should do the trick" Yoongi said reassuringly.
Jungkook sat down next to Tae, and patted his back to comfort him.
"I'm just going go back to my room, if you guys need me just call" Yoongi said at length, as he walked in the hallway.
Taehyung gulped down the water, his hands trembling as he placed the glass back down.
"It'll be okay" Jungkook said calmly.
"I.. I hope so" Taehyung nodded, and smiled painfully.

"Hi!!!" They heard a chirpy voice, and a door slam shut.
"Well they're back" Jungkook laughed.
Taehyung lifted his head, to look towards the doorway. Four guys stood there, their hair dripping  wet from the rain.
"What did you guys get?.." Jungkook smiled gesturing towards the plastic bags they were clutching.
"Ohh....snacks!" One replied lightly.
"We got some ramen too if you want some" The other replied whilst emptying the bags.
"Who is.."
"Oh, this is my friend Taehyung, he's gonna stay with us for a while" Jungkook replied.
Tae smiled when Jungkook referred to him as a friend, even if it wasn't still made him happy.
"Let me introduce you, so I'm Hoseok, the cool one" he said with pride, and laughed when the others glared at him. "I'm Namjoon, and this is Jin and Jimin" he smiled.
"Nice to meet you Taehyung" Jimin said with a bright smile.
"Yeah nice to meet you, make yourself at home" Jin smiled.
At that, Taehyung felt at ease, his mind became blank, but he wanted escape from the confusing, pounding, racing thoughts from earlier.

Hours passed, darkness fell and Taehyung rested on the sofa, and stared at the ceiling with blank, lifeless eyes. He eventually fell asleep. He prayed to escape from the immense stress and confusion from earlier...but things were not so simple...

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