A Good Friend

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A glass of coffee and a glass of orange juice stand beautifully on a wood table. A couple of human sat there facing each other. The guy just listen to the girl’s talk. It’s just Revan listening to Fanny’s talk as usual.


*Ring ding dong ring ding dong~ *

Revan heard some weird noises. He’s kinda know what that sound is. ‘K-pop song?’ He thought. Unaware on what was happening, Fanny just kept talking without stop. Revan sweatdropped at that. Sometime He wonders just how oblovious She is despite her elegance image She built.

“Hey blockhead, your phone is ringing.”

“Huh? Oh. Thanks for advance bro.” Fanny replied carelessly. Then in quick motion She rambles in her slingbag in a wild manner. Revan just sigh seeing that. Exactly how old is She? A lost kindergarten child?

“Hello.. I’ve been waitng for your call. How are you?” She answered in a way completely different from what She showed to Revan a moment ago.

“Oh me? I am at the St. Eustachio Caffe ... With Revan ... Oh He is just my childhood friend ... Oh are you jealous? Fufufu ... Just kidding, we are not even got to that relationship just yet ... “

While on the phone, Fanny saw Revan’s pissed off face. Seeing that, Fanny lift up Her hand giving a sign for Revan to wait.

“Sorry, I will hang up for now, Revan is lonely, lol. Bye~” Fanny gigled while hanging up Her phone.

Revan stared at Her sharply. Right to Her eyes. Giving an implicit sign. Fanny got what He meant, She facepalmed for a second thinking thoroughly then gave up on it. Fanny decided to told Revan about Her closeness with Rifqi.

“Ah right. I forgot to tell you.” Fanny said

“To tell me what exactly?”
She described what is going on between Her and Rifqi.  From how they first met, excanging LINE ID, how they become closer as time went on until now. This is really not that surprising for Revan, though. Because Fanny is not really that good at hiding things, especially from Revan. He can just tell right away if Fanny had trouble or secret.

In fact, He already knew about them. About how close they are since the last 3 months. Sometimes He wondered just how oblivious Fanny can be.

“So… In the end. Are you guys dating or not?” Revan pointed His little coffee spoon at Her face.

“What!?” Fanny stunned, She is totally didn’t expect that from Him. “Not…. Yet. I guess”

Revan sighed. “For how long has it been, now?” Asked Revan, while gently sipped His coffee.

“A month or so.” Fanny answered, with her shoulder lifted up a little.

“A month!?” Revan surprised, He is certain that they had been close since more than 3 months. They had been like really close from that Student Council’s event with outside partnership. Which is 3 months ago. What happened on that first 2 months?

“Yeah… I know what are you thinking right now. Like, what about the first 2 months or some shit like that.” Fanny stated, as if She can read His mind.

It’s not really going well between Rifqi and Fanny. While they did chat on LINE often, but they are rarely met outside of Student Council’s problem. For the first 2 months since ‘The Meeting’ they had just met outside like 4 times. With their tight schedule, their relationship hasn’t progressing well. In other words, slow paced.

“I see…” Revan sympathized with Her. But there was this weird emotion that He felt. As if there was something blocking His nerves which made Him hard to breath. He didn’t know what is that feeling. It was foreign to Him. Felling annoyed with that, He just brushed it off.

“Hey are you listening to me!?” Fanny waved Her hand in front of Revan’s face.

The wind from Fanny’s hand touched Revan’s face softly. And made Him awake from His daydream. Revan sipped another coffee to keep Him aware.

“So… Are you still listening to me~?” Seeing Revan’s funny face, Fanny repeated Her words. Hoping that He was indeed listened to Her all along.

“Huh? Oh.. Right.” Revan regained His senses. “Sorry I was thinking about the solution of your problem.

Fanny’s body leaned forward, her eyes lighted up, showed Her interest to hear Revan’s solution for Her problem. “I’m listening.” She said.

“Uh.. umm..” Revan panic. He totally didn’t think about Her problem at all. He should figure out the solution fast.

“I’m waiting~” Fanny urged. Revan’s brain has become a mess. Without thinking much, He just blurted out what’s on His mind.

“I think you should quickly decide your relationship.” He said. “I mean, you have to make it clear wether you want to go out with Him for real, or just playing around. Cause if you just playing or you don’t feel anything about Him, you better stop…  Believe me, playing with guy’s heart will not do you any good. It will make you regret it in the future.” Revan stated. He can’t believe He just said that.

Fanny was thinking in, and said, “If I should stop, What should I do?”

Revan just thinking and didn’t reply Fanny’s words. With twitched eyebrows. One of His hand supported His chin, and His other free hand He fidgeted His finger on the table. In a second, He slamed His body to His chair’s back support.

“Uhh-” He started to open his mouth, but then Fanny cut it off.

“And, If I want to go out, what should I do?” Fanny continued to bombard Him with another question.

Fed up with Fanny’s barrage question, Revan set His body upright. He just sipped a little bit of His coffee. Then He began to speak.

“Just, hear me out. You have to go out together, anywhere is fine. If your heart skip a beat, or you feel something special towards Him, then it means that you are indeed, in love with Rifqi. Oh and you have to be more open about your feeling to Him.” Revan stated, trying to be as charismatic as Mario Teguh.

Fanny listened closely, while putting Her hand on Her chin to support Her head. She sometimes nodded to Revan’s little speech, which means She agreed to His statement.

“But why do I have to show my feelings to Him?” Asked Fanny with a slightly tilted head.

“So that He’ll know how you feel. And if He is indeed has a feeling for you, He will confess to you. That way your relationship will be as clear as the summer sky.” Revan explained, with a little bit out of character at the end of His line.


On a cold Sunday, Revan opened His eyes, directly stared at His room’s roof. Vibration from His phone made Him fully awake. The screen lighted up. He then quickly grab His phone and took a look at it. He got a message.

Fan Fan

Hi Van, I just invited Rifqi to go out together. We’re goin’ to meet at Edupark at 4 pm. I hope He wiil come.

Revan read it. He felt at ease because now His best friend was following His advice, but. ‘Already? How fast’ He thought. Suddenly the weird feeling from before came again. The sensations was Filling His head with uneasyness. Revan concluded that He was just sleepy and shruged it off.

Revan clicked some words on His phone.  Good, well done! I also hope everything wiil be alright 😉. And sent it to Fanny.


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