He is my boy? Will be?

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The clock indicated that it’s already 04.17 pm. Fanny just got up from Her noon sleep. Then quickly went to the bathroom. She thought She was late, usually She would got up an hour before the     D-Day.

Fanny took Her slingbag and walked outside of Her room. She then approached Her mom in the living room. She kissed her mom’s back of the hand and told Her where She was going. Her mother just nodded slightly at Fanny. Then Fanny went out with full spirit.

“Taxi! Taxi!”

Beside the road, Fanny shouted to call a taxi. A taxi stopped in front of Her, She took the cab and sat comfortably.

A big sign board written ‘EDUPARK’ greeted Fanny. The cab stoped right at the front of it. In well mannered, Fanny gave the cab’s fee to the driver. Then gently went outside of the cab.

While the cab was going away, She scrambled Her sling bag to find Her phone. She looked at it. No notifications. ‘Oh, nothing, huh. Seems like Rifqi haven’t gotten here yet. I should just buy the ticket and go in first. She thought to Herself, then walked towards the ticket stall.

“Wow… It’s been a while since the last time I got here! It chaged a few, huh. Well, in a better ways I mean.” Fanny talked to Herself after She passed the entrance. Still no notifications though. Pissed off a little, She decided to call Rirqi.

Fanny put Her phone beside Her right ear. The sound of the phone connecting can be heard. “Is He gonna come or not?” Said Fanny, peeved and a little bit worried. Then She heard Her own voice behind Her. She turned around, there stood Rifqi that was showing His connected phonecall to Fanny. “I defenitely come.” Fanny heard that voice from two different source, from Her phone and from the person who currently in front Her.

“Hello~ Are you there?” Rifqi said to Fanny that are still looked confused.
“Huh?.. Oh yea. Hi!” Fanny snape out of it and smiled at Rifqi.

They walked together side by side. There was a lot of attraction. They went to Spinning Cup, Haunted House, Roller Coaster, and many more. They bought ice cream. Fanny choosed oranged flavour and Rifqi with chocolate.

While they were eating their ice cream, they walked passed by a Ferris Wheel. Rifqi’s step stopped suddenly. Fanny also stopped.

“What’s wrong?’ Asked Fanny while staring at Rifqi.

“Follow me!” Rifqi ordered, pulling Fanny’s hand.

Rifqi’s hand that grabbed Her hand made Her smiled. But She felt a little bit of uncomfort. She didn’t know what is that feeling. ‘Maybe this is what Revan meant?’ She thought. On the other side, Rifqi just happily guided Her to the Ferris Wheel.

Rifqi finally stopped, with Fanny following behind Him. They arrived at the end of the queue to the Ferris Wheel. Still helding Fanny’s hand, Rifqi asked Fanny to enter the Ferris Wheel.  Fanny accept His offer with pleasure. They wait for the queue for a minute then it’s finally their turn. Without a second of hesitation they got in the Ferris Wheel’s room.

The sunshine of twilight slowly made it’s appearance. A lap, two lap, three lap of their Ferris Wheel spent by. Their room slowly made it’s way to the fourth lap at the highest point. Their topic of conversation was ended. There was an awkward vibe between them.

The sunlight shined over them, making the situation warmer. Brought by the sensation, they stared at each other. Rifqi stared at Fanny deeply, as if She was the most priceless diamond. Fanny smiled back at Him.

Then their line of vision changed toward the sunset. Sometimes Fanny took a quick glance at Rifqi and smiled. Soon, Rifqi realized what was She doing and replied it with sincere smile. Which made Fanny’s heart skip a bit, She thought that, I liked the way He look at me, the way He smiled at me. Is this the thing that Revan meant the other day?

In a second while Rifqi stared at Fanny, an idea came to His mind. Suddenly He grab Fanny’s hand, pulled it so that She can sat beside Him, back to back with the beautiful sunset scenery. Rifqi raise His phone infront of Him, indicating that He was telling Her to take a selfie together, with the sunset behind them. Unfortunately, Fanny didn’t get what He meant and just put on a slightly confused expression on Her face while Rifqi took a shot. Then She realized what was He trying to do and smiled elegantly to the lense.

Some pic taken, Rifqi opened His gallery and showed it to Fanny. Their smile never faded, followed by a little giggle.

Without them knowing, there was someone watching them. A guy who wore a bomber jacket. He had been following trough the entire of their so called ‘Date’.

“I see.. I guess things turn out well.” The guy stated.

“Well. Nothing to do anymore here. Better be going now.” He walked away. With a feeling that He didn’t understand.

Rifqi and Fanny were still checking out the phone’s gallery. Their shoulder touched slightly. Felt that, Fanny turn Her head and saw Rifqi’s face. Up close. At this point they were just staring at each other. Their smile were fading out, substituted by an awkward vibe. Rifqi’ pointy nose made Fanny a little uncomfortable. She thought they were too close.

Fanny felt the sensation as if She can’t breath. There was something blocking Her respiration system, from Her nose until Her lungs. Couldn’t handle Her feelings, She jolted her body, and push out Rifqi. As time went by, Fanny sat further and further away from Rifqi. And the ferris wheel slowly made it’s way to the bottom.

“H-How was that.. sunset?’ Fanny tried to beat the awkwardness. A little bit weird that She was the one who asked that. When usually it should be the guy who asked that question.

“It’s beautiful. I used to saw the sunset often with my family. My mom love it very much. Cause you see, there was…..” Rifqi continued on babbling about how He loved the sunset. They walked out of ‘Edupark’ while Rifqi kept talking about His family. Fanny also sometimes asked small things about His family which made it longer, they talked happily. ‘I have so much fun today, thanks to you Rifqi. I think you are feeling what I felt. I hope you will say it.’


Fanny slamed Her body to Her bed, took Her phone. She scrolled down to the letter ‘R’ on Her contact list, then She touched the green phone logo and put Her phone beside Her ear.

“Revaaaaan~ thanks for the advic

e, dude ... Yeah it went well … Huh? How do you know I was riding the ferris wheel? … Wait, were you stalking me there? …” A panic voice can be heard from the phone. “Nah… I’m just kiddin’ Revvv… Relax~ fufufu.” Fanny excitedly told Revan about Her date with Rifqi. Without giving much care at Revan who paniced a little bot ago.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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