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Barbie Ferreira as Genevieve

Miles wakes up and he knows two things: 1. His fucking face hurts, and 2. He has no idea where he is.

    Miles groans against the harsh, bright lights. He tries to move, but once he does, he realizes that he’s been tied up and he starts to panic.

    “Aye, yo, is the zip ties really necessary? Like, I’m the least intimidating person ever! I don’t even like confrontation, like, conflict scares me!” Miles yells.

    “And this is supposed to be the chosen one? As if,” Someone scoffs to left of him.

    Chosen one? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

    “It’s pathetic really,” A different voice speaks, this one more feminine.

    Miles can’t see anything because the bright lights are front of face, and he can’t make out the figures that are talking.

    “Hey, Genevieve, I know what you are and that’s fine, but you really don’t have to kill me,” Miles pleads.

    Genevieve appears right in front of him so fast, almost like the speed of light.

    “See, that’s where you’re wrong, I do have to kill you, it’s been predestined, even before you were born. All of this, every single thing, has been predestined. Your friends, your whole life has been set in stone even before you were even thought of.” Genevieve whispers in his ear. “Trust me, this is gonna hurt you a lot more than it’ll hurt me.”

    “You know, I don’t like to use this term lightly, but you really are bitch. Like, a major bitch, I don’t even know what I saw in you before.” Miles glares.

    “Fair enough. Oh, and if you think you’re little boyfriend...Aldon? Is it? Is going to save you, well, you’re sadly mistaken.”

    Miles perks up at the sound of his name, and he really wishes he listened to him.

    Genevieve laughs bitterly, “Oh yeah, me and him go way back, and I mean way back. Me and Him used to be very close, and I mean that in every sense of the word.”

    Miles glares deadly at Genevieve, but he can tell that he doesn’t she doesn’t care, she’s the one with the upper hand.

    Someone from Mile’s right speaks, “I don’t know, Gen. I mean, yeah, he doesn’t look particularly strong or anything, but the prophecy did say that you...aren’t going to survive the big battle.”

    Miles is utterly confused, but he catches a glimpse of Gen bristle at what the unknown figure said.

    Miles watches as she turns around sharply, and if the lights weren’t so in face and bright as hell, he could make up what’s going to happen.

    Miles hears Genevieve laugh humorlessly and cold, “Wow, Adrian, thank you, thank you for telling him the truth. I knew I should've killed you when I had the chance.” Miles watches as Genevieve turns for a quick second, to turn swiftly and claw out Adrian’s throat.

    He hears the blood splatter against the wall, or whatever it is and he hears Adrian choke on his blood, and then he hears Adrian drop the floor like a sack of potatoes.

    “If anyone dares to contradict me again,” Gen yells. “Then take Adrian as an example, and that’ll happen to you.”

    It takes Miles a few moments to connect the dots, and once he does, he can’t believe.

    “Oh my god,” Miles whispers. Miles has realized that they’re more than three people in...this cave? House? Whatever it is, there’s 20 something vampires all hiding in the dark corners of the building they’re in.

    “Great, you like a girl and she turns out to be a leader of a vampire clan, and she wants to kill. Wow. This is so goddamn awesome,” Miles says bitterly, with a hint of anger in his voice.

    Gen doesn’t say anything, but he sees the lights dim and then he sees a whole lot of vampires in his eyesight. They’re all staring at him with wonder, anger, and...resentment? The vampires range from all races, heights, genders, and sizes. Miles has to give some brownie points towards Genevieve for the diversity.

    “So, uh, how’s being dead everyone?” Miles asks, nervously and to break some of the tension.

    “Shut up, Miles! No one really cares what you have to say,” Genevieve says angrily.

    “Right, totally. I’m gonna shut up now,” Miles says awkwardly.


    (While Miles is tied up, impatiently waiting for what Gen has instore, Mateo and Alva have contacted the number Miles gave them because it’s nearing 11:00 pm already, and they’re worried about him.

    Aldon picked up his phone, expecting it to Miles, but he is surprisingly greeted by a female. Once the nameless female has explained herself and how she got this number, Aldon is in a panic and he hurries to get off the phone and rushes to get to his clan).

    (The prophecy that basically every vampire knows; A vampire with a soul will be risen from a dead human, and once this vampire is risen, a wicked and bitter vampire will attempt to kill such a such a vampire, but the vampire’s guardian and closest friend, will sacrifice his own life to save the Chosen One. Upon realizing that the Chosen One’s guardian is dying, he slays the wicked vampire by beheading them. In tears and blood, the Chosen One will call on his sisters and brothers, that there will be no more bloodshed from either side. The Chosen One will then reign supreme over all vampires, for all eternity, but he will be alone for some time, until he isn’t).

a/n: yeah, I'm sorry that this chapter isn't very long, but im almost (kinda) finished with this story anyways, it's probably only going to be 10-12 chapters long, and maybe an epilogue, but I'm not sure yet.
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